Etotama Songs Lyrics

Etotama Songs Lyrics


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Etotama Songs
Etotama Ending Lyrics Ending Lyrics
Etotama Opening Lyrics Opening Lyrics

Anime Information



Released on year:2011

Released in:Fall

Num Episodes:12


Every six decades, the celestial realm orchestrates a momentous celestial ritual known as ETM12. This hallowed tradition entails handpicking exceptional Eto-musume, ethereal beings representing various animals, to assume the esteemed mantle of the Chinese zodiac, famously known as Eto-shin. However, since its inception two millennia ago, the incumbent Eto-shin have remained unchallenged, leaving aspiring candidates little chance of ascending to their celestial ranks. Nyaa-tan, a spirited Eto-musume embodying the essence of feline grace, nurtures an ardent desire to partake in the ongoing ETM12 and secure her rightful place among the hallowed zodiac members. Yet, her path to glory demands the acquisition of twelve sacred seals, each one correlated to an Eto-shin. Accomplishing this formidable feat necessitates emerging triumphant in a medley of battles, harnessing the ethereal force known as Sol/Lull— a manifestation of humanity's profound positive emotions. Alas, the arduous task looms large, for Nyaa-tan's own celestial powers pale in comparison to even a single Eto-shin. Thus, she seeks an unwavering source of energy to fortify her chances of success. Fate intervenes as Nyaa-tan serendipitously crosses paths with Takeru Amato, a recent tenant who happens upon her covert abode. To her delight, Takeru unleashes a potent wellspring of high-quality Sol/Lull, setting him apart as a uniquely endowed individual. This fortuitous encounter marks the commencement of an extraordinary saga, with Takeru assuming the role of Nyaa-tan's steadfast ally and confidant. As their journey unfolds, Takeru acquaints himself with the esteemed Eto-shin, unravelling the enigmatic tapestry of a mysterious past. Embark on a spellbinding odyssey as Takeru and Nyaa-tan forge an unbreakable bond, as they strive to realize her celestial aspirations amidst clandestine revelations and profound cosmological secrets.