Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals Songs Lyrics

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals Songs Lyrics


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Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals Songs
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals Ending Lyrics Ending Lyrics

Anime Information

Title:Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals


Released on year:2017

Released in:Spring

Num Episodes:13


Embarking on a grand odyssey, Noctis Lucis Caelum, the Crown Prince of the esteemed Kingdom of Lucis, sets forth on a momentous journey to the charming town of Caem. Carrying within his heart the weight of destiny, his sole purpose for this expedition is none other than reuniting with his cherished childhood companion and the illustrious oracle, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. It is a sacred union that binds not only their souls but also holds the key to the future of their realm. With stoic resolve and an entourage comprised of his loyal comrades—Gladiolus, the stalwart protector, Prompto, the jovial spirit, and Ignis, the astute strategist—Noctis embarks upon this remarkable road trip across the vast continent, traversing landscapes of stunning beauty in the king's very own luxurious convertible, aptly named the Regalia. Strengthening their camaraderie and reminiscing upon their shared history, they find themselves entangled in a series of captivating encounters that not only shape their present but also reverberate into the depths of their intertwined fates. Delving into the profound depths of their distinct personalities, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV, serves as a captivating prelude to the widely acclaimed 2016 video game, Final Fantasy XV. This captivating tale unravels the intricate tapestry of friendships tested, bonds forged, and arduous trials overcome, as these four extraordinary protagonists brace themselves for the immense challenges looming on the horizon. Prepare to be enthralled by this gripping chronicle of passion, power, and profound self-discovery.