GANTZ Songs Lyrics

GANTZ Songs Lyrics


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GANTZ Opening Lyrics ガンツ Opening Lyrics
GANTZ OVA Lyrics and other songs ガンツ OVA Lyrics and other songs
GANTZ Ending Lyrics ガンツ Ending Lyrics

Anime Information


Also Called:ガンツ


Released on year:2004

Released in:Summer

Num Episodes:13


In a realm where even death offers no solace, despair takes on a whole new meaning. There is no benevolent refuge awaiting you, no serene afterlife to embrace. Instead, you find yourself entangled in a visceral battle, all thanks to a mysterious black orb that haunts your every move. This wicked game thrusts you into a perilous struggle against alien invaders and menacing robotic creatures, all in the pursuit of survival. The protagonist, Kei Kurono, defying death's grip, must confront a series of harrowing tests that challenge his skills, principles, and unyielding spirit. His existence hangs in a precarious balance, relentlessly cast aside and forced into an unfathomable cycle of demise. Yet, should he dare defy the whims of this enigmatic entity? Only a higher power knows the answer. Prepare yourself for a journey that pushes the boundaries of darkness and dares to delve into the depths of depravity. Embark on this harrowing adventure, but be forewarned: Gantz is unapologetically intense. Its narrative mirrors the raw realities of our society, casting a glaring light upon themes of violence, greed, and ruthless human nature. Brace yourself for a high-octane narrative teeming with scenes of gore, survival, and grim reflections of the world we inhabit today.


In addition to its captivating animated series, "Anime X" boasts an enthralling live action film adaptation that graced the silver screen in 2011. Moreover, fans can immerse themselves in the captivating world of "Anime X" through a gripping video game developed by Konami and released on the renowned PlayStation 2 console in 2005.