HEYBOT! Songs Lyrics

HEYBOT! Songs Lyrics


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HEYBOT! Opening Lyrics ヘボット! Opening Lyrics
HEYBOT! Ending Lyrics ヘボット! Ending Lyrics

Anime Information


Also Called:ヘボット!


Released on year:2001

Released in:Winter

Num Episodes:51


The mesmerizing world of this anime unfolds on the breathtaking island nation of Nejigajima, characterized by its enchanting screw-like shape. Embark on an exhilarating journey with our endearing protagonists, the cleverly crafted Bokyabots: Hebot and the charming Yurui Prince Nejiru. Together, they are driven by a noble quest to amass an extraordinary collection of extraordinary "Bokya Neji" screws. These remarkable screws possess a fascinating power. As the Bokyabots proudly adorn the Bokya Neji screws atop their heads, they gain the ability to participate in action-packed "Bokya Battles" - thrilling competitions where the participants showcase their creativity by conjuring up and sharing the most uproarious jokes imaginable. Brace yourself for an unforgettable spectacle, where wit and humor shine brightest, and the quest for laughter knows no bounds!