Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Songs Lyrics

Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King | ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン 紅蓮の王
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Songs Lyrics


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Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Songs
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Ending Lyrics Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King | ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン 紅蓮の王 Ending Lyrics
Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou Opening Lyrics Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King | ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン 紅蓮の王 Opening Lyrics

Anime Information

Title:Lord of Vermilion: Guren no Ou

Also Called:Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King | ロード オブ ヴァーミリオン 紅蓮の王


Released on year:2016

Released in:Fall

Num Episodes:22


In the heart of Tokyo, on a chilling winter's day - January 29, 2030, an inexplicable phenomenon disrupts the tranquility of the metropolis. High-frequency resonance reverberates through the city's very core, heralding the arrival of a crimson mist that enshrouds the streets. Its eerie presence renders both humans and animals unconscious at its haunting melody. Panic ensues as Tokyo succumbs to the belief that an enigmatic virus has gripped its inhabitants, pushing the city into a state of lockdown. But, like the tide receding after a tempest, six days later, the populace awakens as if from a dark slumber. Tokyo emerges from its self-enforced hibernation, gradually resuming its regular rhythm. Yet, those peculiar occurrences that followed the resonance persist, drawing people deeper into a realm of enigmas. Unbeknownst to them, a newfound realization dawns upon the city's youth, as they unlock the dormant potential within their very veins - becoming conduits of ancient wisdom. Gradually, their paths intertwine, guided by an unseen force, forging connections and confronting the inescapable cycle of destiny. Step by step, they must navigate the treacherous unknown, prepared to sacrifice everything and face the consequences head-on. As Tokyo's secrets unravel, the stage is set for a cataclysmic clash between darkness and light, where lives hang in the balance in this gripping tale of resilience and sacrifice.