Pet Songs Lyrics

Pet Songs Lyrics


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Pet Songs
Pet Ending Lyrics ペット Ending Lyrics
Pet Opening Lyrics ペット Opening Lyrics

Anime Information


Also Called:ペット


Released on year:2012

Released in:Fall

Num Episodes:24


Despite extensive research efforts, the realm of the human mind continues to elude comprehensive understanding. Concealed from public knowledge, a select group of exceptional individuals possesses the extraordinary capacity to delve deep into the recesses of the human psyche, unfathomably manipulating memories. Endowed with this remarkable ability, Hiroki, Tsukasa, and Satoru stand among the privileged few who employ their formidable powers for illicit purposes, acting as pawns under the directives of their enigmatic mastermind, Katsuragi. These audacious individuals audaciously venture into perilous territories of consciousness, effortlessly vanquishing their designated targets while diligently safeguarding their own mental sanctity and precious memories.