Saber Marionette J Songs Lyrics

Saber Marionette J Songs Lyrics


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Saber Marionette J Songs

Anime Information

Title:Saber Marionette J


Released on year:1998

Released in:Fall

Num Episodes:26


In the distant future, Earth's overpopulation crisis necessitates the exploration and colonization of new planets. Unfortunately, the voyage of the spacecraft "Mesopotamia" takes a disastrous turn, leaving a mere six survivors. Seeking salvation, they serendipitously stumble upon an Earth-like planet dubbed "Terra II." However, an intriguing twist emerges – all of the survivors are male. Undeterred by this challenge, they ingeniously establish six disparate nations and resort to cloning and genetic engineering as a means to propagate. Yet, a conspicuous void remains: the lack of female presence. This quandary leads to the inception of remarkably advanced and lifelike androids, known as "Marionettes," programmed to perform menial tasks and dutiful responsibilities. However, these androids are devoid of emotions, operating mechanistically. Amidst this artificial landscape, an ordinary young man named Otaru embarks on an extraordinary journey. By fate or fortune, he unearths three remarkable Marionettes equipped with a mysterious "Maiden Circuit" that endows them with genuine sentiments. As their protector, mentor, and confidant, Otaru champions their emotional growth and self-discovery. But when a neighboring nation poses a grave threat to global harmony, Otaru and his unique band of Marionettes must muster their collective strength to safeguard their beloved homeland. Brace yourself for a tale teeming with intrigue, as Otaru navigates the intricate and ever-evolving dynamics of human-android relationships, unveiling a captivating world where fate, resilience, and the pursuit of peace intertwine.