Spurt! Paroles - Pokemon: Advanced Generation

Matsumoto Rika Spurt! Pokemon: Advanced Generation 5th Opening Paroles

Spurt! Paroles

De l'animePokemon: Advanced Generation Pocket Monsters: Advance Generation

Toutes les paroles


Omoide ima ha shimatteokou
Ano basho mezashi supaato kakeyouze!

Nodo ga kawaku hara ga heru
Nano ni chikara ga waitekuru
Kizu ga uzuku ase ga tobu
Dakedo hakkiri mietekuru

Sekai no hirosatte hora
Omou ijou ni tondemonai
Waracchau hodo mushaburui
Nanman mairu yume wo oikake
Madamada madamada potensharu!

Mattecha dame dame mukae ni ikou!
Yaru tokya yaruyaru supaato kakero!

Mori ha kuraku michi ha naku
Nano ni yuuki ga afureteru
Yama ha takaku tani fukaku
Dakedo yappari moetekuru

Nakama no kotobatte hora
Omou ijou ni kokorozuyoi
Namida deru hodo mecha atsui
Nanman mairu ashita wo oinuke
Madamada madamada sabaibaru!

Kutsuhimo gyutto musubi naosou
Mirai no ore to no yakusoku hatasou!

Mattecha dame dame mukae ni ikou!
Yaru tokya yaruyaru supaato kakero!

Dakedo, fushigi da yo ne.
Daisukina kototte, nandaka, mechakucha
[Suki no pawaa] zenkai ni shite, supaato

Namida mo egao mo hitori janai ze
Itsumo itsudemo genki wo ageyou!

Butsukariattemo wakariaeru ze
Honki mo honki issho ni hashirou!


Put away those memories for now
To that place, Let's spurt off running!

My throat dries, my stomach tightens
Even so, my strength boils
Wounds throb and sweat flies
But I'm sure I'll be able to see it

All of the world, hey
It's beyond what I could ever imagine
I'm laughing so hard I'm shaking
I'll chase after my dream for ten
thousand miles
Still not met, still not met my potential!

Waiting, waiting is useless, let's just
go and face it
Just do something, do it, do it, spurt
off running!

The forest is dark, there's no path
Even so, my courage is overflowing
The mountains are high, the valleys are
But I'm totally fired up

The words of my comrades are, hey
More heartening than I could ever imagine
The more I cry, the hotter my tears are
I'll chase after my dream for ten
thousand miles
Still, still we survive!

I'll tie my shoelaces tight
And fulfill a promise to my future self!

Waiting, waiting is useless, let's just
go and face it
Just do something, do it, do it, spurt
off running!

But... It's strange, isn't it?
When I like something, it's like I can
work amazingly hard
Set that loved power to full throttle and
spurt off running!

Through laughter and through tears, you
are never alone
Always, at any time, I'll give you spirit

Even if we fight, we can understand each
I'm seriously serious; Let's run
Let's go! We'll be There!


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Pokemon: Advanced Generation Spurt! Paroles - Information


AnimePokemon: Advanced Generation

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:5th Opening

Interprété par:Matsumoto Rika

Pokemon: Advanced Generation Informations et chansons comme Spurt!

Spurt! Paroles - Pokemon: Advanced Generation
Pokemon: Advanced Generation Argument

Spurt! Paroles - Pokemon: Advanced Generation appartient à l'anime Pokemon: Advanced Generation, jetez un œil à l'argument:

After an exhilarating adventure in the Johto League, Satoshi finds himself embarking on a fresh journey, this time venturing solo with his loyal companion Pikachu in the exotic region of Houen. However, his solitude is short-lived as he is joined by the spirited ten-year-old Haruka, who may not have a fondness for Pokemon but is eager to explore the wide world alongside our protagonist. Their fateful encounter is sealed when Pikachu unintentionally wrecks Haruka's bicycle, intertwining their destinies. As Satoshi continues his exploration, he reunites with his trusty companion Takeshi and finds himself accompanied by Haruka's curious younger brother, Masato. United as a team, they traverse the mesmerizing region of Houen, engaging in thrilling battles against formidable Gym Leaders, participating in mesmerizing Contests, and encountering an array of captivating events en route to the highly anticipated Houen League. Prepare to be enthralled as you witness the compelling adventures of Satoshi and his newfound companions, immersing yourself in the enchanting wonders of the extraordinary Houen region.

Maintenant que vous connaissez l'argument, jetez un œil à une autre chanson de Pokemon: Advanced Generation aussi appelé Pocket Monsters: Advance Generation

Sur Pokemon: Advanced Generation

Si vous voulez toujours en savoir plus sur l'anime de la chanson Spurt!, , ne manquez pas ces informations sur Pokemon: Advanced Generation:

Episode 101, titled "The Battle on the Shaking Island! Dojotchi vs. Namazun!!", was unfortunate enough to be postponed due to the devastating 2004 Chuuetsu earthquake. This particular episode, brimming with excitement, unfortunately never made it to the screens in Japan or any other country, thereby excluding it from the official episode count.

J'espère que vous avez trouvé utile ces informations sur Pokemon: Advanced Generation aussi appelé Pocket Monsters: Advance Generation