Daylight Letra - Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

MindaRyn Daylight

Daylight Letra

Del AnimeArifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest | From Common Job Class to the Strongest in the World | ありふれた職業で世界最強

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[TV Version]

Tears streaming down, your sorrow face
Came a long and painful road, you gave yourself away
You saw everything, heaven to hell
You say you need a self redemption, to mend the broken wings

Drowning in the dark, no place to be
But I am by your side
You're not alone

Daylight, shed a light so you won't disappear
Cause I know where you belong, save your saddened heart
With a flashback, screaming out but still we're holding on
Waiting for the break of dawn for a new day to begin

Daylight, daylight
Stay a little while longer

[Full Version]

Tears streaming down your sorrow face
Came a long and painful road, you gave yourself away
You saw everything, heaven to hell
You say you need a self redemption, to mend the broken wings

Drowning in the dark, no place to be
But I am by your side
You're not alone

Daylight, shed a light so you won't disappear
Cause I know where you belong, save your saddened heart
With a flashback, screaming out but still we're holding on
Waiting for the break of dawn for a new day to begin

[thanks for visiting]

Left out to dry, slip through the hands
Is there a reason anymore to keep me hanging on

Memories of the past running so fast, can't look back on yesterday
Cause I don't trust in my power
It haunts my weary soul, I'm lonely

Crawling in the dark, no where to go
Will you be by my side

Daylight are you there?
I knew you once before
But the devil in my head has taken over me
Oh I need your warm embrace to melt my weeping heart
Craving for tomorrow
For a painless day to come

Maybe nothing matters
Still I'm searching for the daylight
Tell me, nothing matters?
I'm waiting for salvation

Now I see it shine, blindness is gone
Rising from the ground
I am alive

Daylight in my eyes, I knew it all along
Fire burning in my soul, to make a better world
I've got everything I need with you there by my side
Waiting for the break of dawn, for a new day to begin

Fire burning in my soul
Daylight, daylight
Stay a little while longer


[TV Version]

Tears streaming down, your sorrow face
Came a long and painful road, you gave yourself away
You saw everything, heaven to hell
You say you need a self redemption, to mend the broken wings

Drowning in the dark, no place to be
But I am by your side
You're not alone

Daylight, shed a light so you won't disappear
Cause I know where you belong, save your saddened heart
With a flashback, screaming out but still we're holding on
Waiting for the break of dawn for a new day to begin

Daylight, daylight
Stay a little while longer

[Full Version]

Tears streaming down your sorrow face
Came a long and painful road, you gave yourself away
You saw everything, heaven to hell
You say you need a self redemption, to mend the broken wings

Drowning in the dark, no place to be
But I am by your side
You're not alone

Daylight, shed a light so you won't disappear
Cause I know where you belong, save your saddened heart
With a flashback, screaming out but still we're holding on
Waiting for the break of dawn for a new day to begin

[thanks for visiting]

Left out to dry, slip through the hands
Is there a reason anymore to keep me hanging on

Memories of the past running so fast, can't look back on yesterday
Cause I don't trust in my power
It haunts my weary soul, I'm lonely

Crawling in the dark, no where to go
Will you be by my side

Daylight are you there?
I knew you once before
But the devil in my head has taken over me
Oh I need your warm embrace to melt my weeping heart
Craving for tomorrow
For a painless day to come

Maybe nothing matters
Still I'm searching for the daylight
Tell me, nothing matters?
I'm waiting for salvation

Now I see it shine, blindness is gone
Rising from the ground
I am alive

Daylight in my eyes, I knew it all along
Fire burning in my soul, to make a better world
I've got everything I need with you there by my side
Waiting for the break of dawn, for a new day to begin

Fire burning in my soul
Daylight, daylight
Stay a little while longer



Todas las letras

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Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Daylight Letra - Información


AnimeArifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

Tipo de canción:Opening

Realizada por:MindaRyn

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Información y canciones como Daylight

Daylight Letra - Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Argumento

Daylight Letra - Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou pertenece al anime Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou, échale un vistazo el argumento:

En un mundo de magia y maravillas, la monótona existencia de Hajime Nagumo da un giro extraordinario. Convocado junto a sus compañeros de clase a un reino de fantasía, su misión colectiva se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo para preservar el futuro de la humanidad. Mientras que los acólitos de destreza sobrenatural, Hajime recibe una mano aparentemente inferior con su habilidad de transmutación que carece de la fuerza bruta de sus compañeros.   El destino quiso que la vida de Hajime diera un giro traicionero durante una peligrosa expedición al traicionero Laberinto del Gran Orco. La traición golpea con un golpe implacable, lanzándolo a las profundidades de un abismo. Magullado pero intacto, emerge en un reino de pesadilla repleto de criaturas viles y peligros siniestros. En esta lucha por la supervivencia, la determinación de Hajime de reunirse con su vida anterior se vuelve más feroz.   En medio de las sombras, un encuentro inesperado espera a Hajime, un vampiro cautivo llamado Yue que anhela la libertad tan fervientemente como él. Unido por un deseo compartido de escapar, Hajime se encuentra acompañado por Yue y unos pocos incondicionales selectos, embarcándose en un arduo viaje en busca de su hogar. En medio de esta odisea, la naturaleza modesta de Hajime sufre una sorprendente metamorfosis, ya que se metamorfosea de simple mortal a una fuerza que rivaliza con los dioses.  

Ahora que conoces el argumento, echa un vistazo a otras canciones de Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou también llamado Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest | From Common Job Class to the Strongest in the World | ありふれた職業で世界最強

Acerca de Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

Si aún quieres aprender más del anime de la canción Daylight, no te pierdas esta información sobre Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou:

Derivada de la cautivadora serie de novelas ligeras escritas por el estimado Ryo Shirakome y que cobran vida a través de las cautivadoras ilustraciones de Takayaki, esta sensacional serie de anime ha conquistado el mundo. Publicada originalmente por el renombrado Shousetsuka ni Narou en junio de 2015, esta obra maestra ha sido meticulosamente traducida al inglés por el prestigioso J-Novel Club y el estimado Seven Seas Entertainment.

Espero que haya encontrado útil esta información sobre Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou también llamado Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest | From Common Job Class to the Strongest in the World | ありふれた職業で世界最強