Ivory Tower Letra - Dragon Raja

Hiroyuki Sawano feat. SennaRin Ivory Tower Dragon Raja Opening Theme Letra

Ivory Tower Letra

Del AnimeDragon Raja Dragon Raja -The Blazing Dawn- | 榫欐棌 / 榫嶆棌 -The Blazing

Todas las letras


It's not easy, lose my grip
Those dreams are calling me
Like a hermit
Used to find a reason not to be

You teach me about the history of our fallen heroes
Realize I have found a solid companion

'Cause I was afraid
Was alone in a cave
Like a stone

This dance is so dangerous
So cryptic it changes us
But the secrets that we learn
Can give power to all of us?

Dance shook me dangerous
So glad that you came to us
Can a lesson that we learn transform our view?

Do you hear me?
I gotta invitation
I gonna change all my sense of reality
Gonna change reality

[thanks for visiting lyricsfromanime.com]

Come on, my destination
I got my information
I gonna change all my sense of reality
Gonna change reality

Can hear them calling?
Can hear them calling?
Can hear them calling?
Can hear them?

Fight for us!
Can hear them calling from towers that we trust?
Can feel the legacy grow?

And so we must stand
Together be tight
Making everything right
Empowers you to be strong

Do you hear me?


It's not easy, lose my grip
Those dreams are calling me
Like a hermit
Used to find a reason not to be

You teach me about the history of our fallen heroes
Realize I have found a solid companion

'Cause I was afraid
Was alone in a cave
Like a stone

This dance is so dangerous
So cryptic it changes us
But the secrets that we learn
Can give power to all of us?

Dance shook me dangerous
So glad that you came to us
Can a lesson that we learn transform our view?

Do you hear me?
I gotta invitation
I gonna change all my sense of reality
Gonna change reality

[thanks for visiting lyricsfromanime.com]

Come on, my destination
I got my information
I gonna change all my sense of reality
Gonna change reality

Can hear them calling?
Can hear them calling?
Can hear them calling?
Can hear them?

Fight for us!
Can hear them calling from towers that we trust?
Can feel the legacy grow?

And so we must stand
Together be tight
Making everything right
Empowers you to be strong

Do you hear me?



Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Dragon Raja Ivory Tower Letra - Informaci贸n

Titulo:Ivory Tower

AnimeDragon Raja

Tipo de canci贸n:Opening

Aparece en:Opening Theme

Realizada por:Hiroyuki Sawano feat. SennaRin

Dragon Raja Informaci贸n y canciones como Ivory Tower

Ivory Tower Letra - Dragon Raja