For The Love of Life Letra - Monster

David Sylvian For The Love of Life Monster 1st Ending Letra

For The Love of Life Letra

Del AnimeMonster モンスター

Todas las letras


And slowly you come to realise
It's all as it should be
You can only do so much

If you're game enough
You could place your trust in me

For the love of life
There's a trade off
We could lose it all
But we'll go down fighting

And what of the children?
Surely they can't be blamed
For our mistakes?

And slowly I've come to realise
It's all as it should be

That hiding space
A lonely place

How can the right thing be so wrong?
I've found mistakes
Where they don't belong

For the love of life
We'll defeat this
They may tear us down
But we'll go down fighting

Won't we?


And slowly, you come to realize
It's all as it should be
You can only do so much

If you're game enough
You could place your trust in me

For the love of life
There's a trade off
We could lose it all
But we'll go down fighting

And what of the children?
Surely they can't be blamed for our mistakes?

And slowly I've come to realize
It's all as it should be

[thanks for visiting]

That hiding space
A lonely place

How can the right thing be so wrong?
I've found mistakes
Where they don't belong

For the love of life
We'll defeat this
They may tear us down
But we'll go down fighting

Won't we?



Todas las letras

😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.

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Monster For The Love of Life Letra - Información

Titulo:For The Love of Life


Tipo de canción:Ending

Aparece en:1st Ending

Realizada por:David Sylvian

Letra hecha por:David Sylvian

Monster Información y canciones como For The Love of Life

For The Love of Life Letra - Monster