The Journey Starts Today Letra - Pokemon (2019)

Walk of the Earth The Journey Starts Today Pokemon (2019) English Opening Theme Letra

The Journey Starts Today Letra

Del AnimePokemon (2019) Pocket Monster (2019) | ポケモン (2019)

Todas las letras


The journey starts today
The journey starts today

It's a big, big world, but you know where to find me
We'll be together, and we're gonna do it our way
We'll discover we believe in each other
On adventures with my friends like every day

Dawn's rising over the horizon
To shine a light on what the day ahead is hiding
We'll stick together, leaping into the deep-end
The adventure only ends when another begins

And we're already on our way

The journey starts today
The journey starts today

[thanks for visiting]

Far from home, but we're never feeling lonely
Headstrong stepping headlong into the dark
Hold on 'cause we're heading there on our own
Whatever happens in the end will forever be changed
Imitate us, but you won't intimidate us
We keep 'em looking for another way to break us
Because we know if there's a will, there's a way back up
Win or lose, we can choose to be never the same

And we're already on our way

The journey starts today
The journey starts today

If I lose my grip, will you be there to pick me up?
If I gotta run, will you be coming with me up?
'Cause I got your back and you got mine
And there's nothing that can stop us now
If all else fails, will you help me when I lose my way?
Set your sails, to be ready for the winds of change

'Cause the journey starts today
The journey starts today (the journey starts today)
The journey starts today (the journey starts today)
The journey starts today


The journey starts today
The journey starts today

It's a big, big world, but you know where to find me
We'll be together, and we're gonna do it our way
We'll discover we believe in each other
On adventures with my friends like every day

Dawn's rising over the horizon
To shine a light on what the day ahead is hiding
We'll stick together, leaping into the deep-end
The adventure only ends when another begins

And we're already on our way

The journey starts today
The journey starts today

[thanks for visiting]

Far from home, but we're never feeling lonely
Headstrong stepping headlong into the dark
Hold on 'cause we're heading there on our own
Whatever happens in the end will forever be changed
Imitate us, but you won't intimidate us
We keep 'em looking for another way to break us
Because we know if there's a will, there's a way back up
Win or lose, we can choose to be never the same

And we're already on our way

The journey starts today
The journey starts today

If I lose my grip, will you be there to pick me up?
If I gotta run, will you be coming with me up?
'Cause I got your back and you got mine
And there's nothing that can stop us now
If all else fails, will you help me when I lose my way?
Set your sails, to be ready for the winds of change

'Cause the journey starts today
The journey starts today (the journey starts today)
The journey starts today (the journey starts today)
The journey starts today



Todas las letras

😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canción ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, ¡tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores harán todo lo posible para traerle la canción traducida lo antes posible, visita la página de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 👒☠️

Pokemon (2019) The Journey Starts Today Letra - Información

Titulo:The Journey Starts Today

AnimePokemon (2019)

Tipo de canción:Opening

Aparece en:English Opening Theme

Realizada por:Walk of the Earth

Pokemon (2019) Información y canciones como The Journey Starts Today

The Journey Starts Today Letra - Pokemon (2019)