YOU Letra - Samurai Champloo

YOU Samurai Champloo OST song Letra

YOU Letra

Del AnimeSamurai Champloo 銈点儬銉┿偆銉併儯銉炽儣銉兗

Todas las letras


oh, you know
you know what to say
say "I love you"

oh, I think you've go to know right away
"maybe me too"

you are a nice, cool breeze in me
I feel you blowing in

I can feel the sunlight all around me
You're shinning

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful

oh, can I
can I tell you why
why I need you
oh, my life
you made it a cloudless sky I can fly

you are a deep, strong wind in me
I feel you - come on in

can you see the sunlight all around me
You're smiling

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful


Oh, you know
You know what to say
Say "I love you"

Oh, I think you've go to know right away
"Maybe me too"

You are a nice, cool breeze in me
I feel you blowing in

I can feel the sunlight all around me
You're shinning

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'Cause you are wonderful
It feels natural to be around you
You've made it possible
You're wonderful

[thanks for visiting]

Oh, can I
Can I tell you why
Why I need you
Oh, my life
You made it a cloudless sky I can fly through

You are a deep, strong wind in me
I feel you - come on in

Can you see the sunlight all around me
You're smiling

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'Cause you are wonderful
It feels natural to be around you
You've made it possible
You're wonderful



Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Samurai Champloo YOU Letra - Informaci贸n


AnimeSamurai Champloo

Tipo de canci贸n:Ending

Aparece en:OST song

Letra hecha por:Lori Fine[COLDFEET]

Samurai Champloo Informaci贸n y canciones como YOU

YOU Letra - Samurai Champloo