Fire Letra - Scarlet Nexus

Yamato(.S) Fire Scarlet Nexus Ending Theme 1 Letra

Fire Letra

Del AnimeScarlet Nexus

Todas las letras


I don't need to let fate dictate me
'Cause I believe that I can rewrite it
I'll always be a dreamer now and forever

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart

How much time has gone since the first step
My shoes are worn out and muddy now
But my desire to continue is strong as ever

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

[thanks for visiting]

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart

Shadow deepens
Winds are howling
There's no way they burn my fire out

Freezing cold nights
My soul is brighter
There's no way they burn my fire out
Let's talk about the old days
When this story ends
I'll save "Good-bye" until that day
Now I feel that we are never-changing

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart


I don't need to let fate dictate me
'Cause I believe that I can rewrite it
I'll always be a dreamer now and forever

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart

How much time has gone since the first step
My shoes are worn out and muddy now
But my desire to continue is strong as ever

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

[thanks for visiting]

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart

Shadow deepens
Winds are howling
There's no way they burn my fire out

Freezing cold nights
My soul is brighter
There's no way they burn my fire out
Let's talk about the old days
When this story ends
I'll save "Good-bye" until that day
Now I feel that we are never-changing

Another sunrise shines now and it blacks out
What's waiting for us at the world's end
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going

Who can shake us
Who can define us
It's nothing less than our story
Forever eternal
Keep the fire going in your heart



Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Scarlet Nexus Fire Letra - Informaci贸n


AnimeScarlet Nexus

Tipo de canci贸n:Ending

Aparece en:Ending Theme 1

Realizada por:Yamato(.S)

Organizada por:Yamato, 澶у拰

Letra hecha por:.S

Scarlet Nexus Informaci贸n y canciones como Fire

Fire Letra - Scarlet Nexus