Power of Infinity Letra - Slayers

Mabical Vox Power of Infinity Slayers English version of "Get Along" Letra

Power of Infinity Letra

Del AnimeSlayers The Slayers | Slayers TV | 銈广儸銈ゃ儰銉笺偤

Todas las letras


Keep on going on a journey for a long
I know it's my destiny from my birth
but I never feel so lonely, never scared
and cry
somebody will be waiting for me

On my way, it's stormy night, I can see
no light
but I never stop on my long journey
yes, my blood is already boiling to the
Nobody can hurt my body and soul

All I ever look for something you looking
never give up to hold it so firmly
it's my life, it's myself
I will go to the top, I will be the
winner of my life

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
whatever happens to me, I can get over it
with a smile

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
Don't stop believing it
till the day I can get my dream

wandering to find out my dream
beat it wrong, try again

do not use this power to the vice ever
in my mind, reason whisper to me
if I find somebody to flatter the evil
He is my enemy just right away

I can change idle days to the glorious
with my magic to make the exciting world
it's so easy to be happy, easy to be wise
do you want this precious talent of mine?

some of my friends say they would be
cause I can do anything so certainly
be so tough, its OK!
I will go through the air, I will be the
winner of my life

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
whatever happens to me I can get over it
with a smile

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
let's keep the faith together
till the day we can get our dreams

wandering to find out our dreams
beat it wrong, try again

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
whatever happens to me I can get over it
with a smile

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
whatever happens to me I can get over it
with a smile

Fly away
I know the meaning of true liberty
so can feel the power of infinity
let's keep the faith together
till the day we can get our dreams

wandering to find out our dreams
beat it wrong, try again


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Slayers Power of Infinity Letra - Informaci贸n

Titulo:Power of Infinity


Tipo de canci贸n:Other

Aparece en:English version of "Get Along"

Realizada por:Mabical Vox

Slayers Informaci贸n y canciones como Power of Infinity

Power of Infinity Letra - Slayers