Love For Tomorrow Letra - YAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl

Anna Dion Love For Tomorrow YAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl English version of "Shoujo jidai" Letra

Love For Tomorrow Letra

Del AnimeYAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl

Todas las letras


Ah, I miss the days when we were together
and we talked our dream
Do you still remember
that you were dancing with your friends
under the tree on the campus
Ah, if you can recall
the song we listened when we were alone
I would only ask why you kissed me
knew that I liked you from long ago

I felt weak as time went by
You just left me suddenly
Day by day, night to night
I just have to see you again
Cross my fingers

Now I can tell you that I won't cry
I know that you can't be the same
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Like we did in our dream together

Ah, we miss the days when we talked to
each other
'bout future's princess
We were always sitting together
Thought that we could see summer delight
in the distance

Ah, if I could tell you that I was
when we sat alone
I could only ask you to watch me
Know that I changed my hair just for you

I wanted someone so close
to make me feel easy
Day by day, night to night
I tried to get my every days and my first

But I can tell you that I'm grown up
So that I could say goodbye to you
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Love for tomorrow, we won't miss again

Now I can tell you that I won't cry
I know that you can't be the same
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Like we did in our dream together

Oh, I can tell you that I'm grown up
So that I can say goodbye to you
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Love for tomorrow, we won't miss again
Love for tomorrow


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

YAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl Love For Tomorrow Letra - Informaci贸n

Titulo:Love For Tomorrow

AnimeYAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl

Tipo de canci贸n:Other

Aparece en:English version of "Shoujo jidai"

Realizada por:Anna Dion

YAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl Informaci贸n y canciones como Love For Tomorrow

Love For Tomorrow Letra - YAWARA! A Fashionable Judo Girl