BE ME Paroles - Arknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】

Doul BE ME Arknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】 Ending Theme Paroles

BE ME Paroles

De l'animeArknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】 ă‚ąăƒŒă‚ŻăƒŠă‚€ăƒ„ă€é»Žæ˜Žć‰ć„/PRELUDE TO DAWN】

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I belong in nowhere, solitary
I can see it ever fleeting
A knot in my heart and it disappears
A note in for quiet and days of ease
Everyone has a domain allowing no one
Accuracy inside, yearned to find
I thought I had been understandin' it
It's buried in noise and withering

Love the life you live, live the life you love
Love the life you live, live the life you love

All of you have to take
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Soon, you have to take
All of you have to take
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Oh, you have to take

Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
Own way progress, a long seen world
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
Through all the silence, a brand new wind blows

It's just like every shape is shown
I'm watchin' every shape you've shown
It's just like every shape is shown, shape is shown

[thanks for visiting]

Sentiments in purity, had it when young
What are we to find noise confines
It's sounding within, and it resonates, you
Always have known it either way

Love the life you live, live the life you love
Love the life you live, live the life you love

All of you have to take
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Soon, you will see
All of you have to take
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Oh, you will see

Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
Own way progress, a long seen world
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
This way forward, and now I see hope
Conflicts soared, the answer will show
Right way progress, my feet to make sure
Voice like eternity rings within notes
Route is a definite, now the wind blows


I belong in nowhere, solitary
I can see it ever fleeting
A knot in my heart and it disappears
A note in for quiet and days of ease
Everyone has a domain allowing no one
Accuracy inside, yearned to find
I thought I had been understandin' it
It's buried in noise and withering

Love the life you live, live the life you love
Love the life you live, live the life you love

All of you have to take
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Soon, you have to take
All of you have to take
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Oh, you have to take

Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
Own way progress, a long seen world
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
Through all the silence, a brand new wind blows

It's just like every shape is shown
I'm watchin' every shape you've shown
It's just like every shape is shown, shape is shown

[thanks for visiting]

Sentiments in purity, had it when young
What are we to find noise confines
It's sounding within, and it resonates, you
Always have known it either way

Love the life you live, live the life you love
Love the life you live, live the life you love

All of you have to take
And everybody else may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Soon, you will see
All of you have to take
And everybody's time may seem a lil' downward
All of you have to take
Oh, you will see

Answers seeked, the conflict, soar
Own way progress, a long seen world
High end essential I touch, redeem soul
This way forward, and now I see hope
Conflicts soared, the answer will show
Right way progress, my feet to make sure
Voice like eternity rings within notes
Route is a definite, now the wind blows



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Arknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】 BE ME Paroles - Information

Titre:BE ME

AnimeArknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】

Type de chanson:Ending

ApparaĂźt dans:Ending Theme

Interprété par:Doul

Arrangé par:Doul, URU

Paroles par:Doul, Konnie Aoki

Arknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】 Informations et chansons comme BE ME

BE ME Paroles - Arknights 【 Reimei Zensou / PRELUDE TO DAWN 】