Doctor Love Paroles - Initial D

Black Power Doctor Love

Doctor Love Paroles

De l'animeInitial D ID | Initial D First Stage | Initial D Second Stage | Initial D Third Stage | Initial D Fourth Stage | Initial D Fifth Stage | Initial D Final Stage | é ­æ–‡ć­—ă€ˆă‚€ăƒ‹ă‚·ăƒŁăƒ«ă€‰D

Toutes les paroles


Help me help me doctor
I have lost my control
I'm gonna tell ya the way I'm feeling
Now I can't sleep at night
Is it love at first sight?
You got to give me the cure

She's an evil woman she's the hell
She can smile and drives you mad
Deep inside my brain into my head
I can't live without her... help me!!!

Doctor doctor love
She pushed me to the limit
Cut cut just deep inside my heart
Doctor doctor love
Take care of my emotions
Bad bad bad medicine

Doctor doctor love
I need a magic potion
Give give give it all to me
Doctor doctor love
I know you're a magician
Bad bad bad medicine

Help me help me doctor
Give me back my control
You got to take me away this feeling
Cut off my emotions
Stop all my reactions
Please help me and find me the cure


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😭 Nous sommes dĂ©solĂ©s mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes dĂ©solĂ©s mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs dĂ©lais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vĂ©rifier! đŸ‘’â˜ ïž

Initial D Doctor Love Paroles - Information

Titre:Doctor Love

AnimeInitial D

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Black Power

Initial D Informations et chansons comme Doctor Love

Doctor Love Paroles - Initial D