Live In Tokyo Paroles - Initial D

Live In Tokyo

Live In Tokyo Paroles

De l'animeInitial D ID | Initial D First Stage | Initial D Second Stage | Initial D Third Stage | Initial D Fourth Stage | Initial D Fifth Stage | Initial D Final Stage | é ­æ–‡ć­—ă€ˆă‚€ăƒ‹ă‚·ăƒŁăƒ«ă€‰D

Toutes les paroles


Tokyo, Tokyo... Tokyo Tokyo
Cause im feelin' great in Tokyo

I believe, the place I belong to, is the
best my baby.
It's a place where I can be happy, where
I can be dancing, I can be dancing now.
This is what I can feel, run away, turn
away, never from Japan.
Easy to love, I just want just to play in
the game forever.

I don't wanna live in Bruxles or in New
York, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to London, or Africa,
cause im feelin' great in Tokyo.
I don't wanna live in Washington, or in
Spain, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to Paris, or Germany,
cause im fellin' great in Tokyo

Let me stay, never ask me to leave now,
I'll be by my baby.
If you are, you'll be arround me, when
enjoying the sound and we can be dancing
This is what I can feel, run away, turn
away, never from Japan.
Easy to love, I just wanna play in the
game forever.

I don't wanna live in Bruxles or in New
York, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to London, or Africa,
cause im feelin' great in Tokyo.
I don't wanna live in Washington, or in
Spain, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to Paris, or Germany,
cause im fellin' great in Tokyo

I believe, the place I belong to, is the
best my baby.
It's a place where I can be happy, where
I can be dancing, I can be dancing now.
This is what I can feel, run away, turn
away, never from Japan.
Easy to love, I just want just to play in
the game forever.

I don't wanna live in Bruxles or in New
York, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to London, or Africa,
cause im feelin' great in Tokyo.
I don't wanna live in Washington, or in
Spain, I just wanna live in Tokyo.
I don't wanna go to Paris, or Germany,
cause im fellin' great in Tokyo


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😭 Nous sommes dĂ©solĂ©s mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs dĂ©lais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vĂ©rifier! đŸ‘’â˜ ïž

Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes dĂ©solĂ©s mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs dĂ©lais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vĂ©rifier! đŸ‘’â˜ ïž

Initial D Live In Tokyo Paroles - Information

Titre:Live In Tokyo

AnimeInitial D

Type de chanson:Other

Initial D Informations et chansons comme Live In Tokyo

Live In Tokyo Paroles - Initial D