Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss Paroles - Kaleido Star

r.o.r and s Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss Kaleido Star 3rd Opening Song English Version Paroles

Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss Paroles

De l'animeKaleido Star KaleidoStar | Kaleido Star: New Wings | カレイドスター

Toutes les paroles


Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing
Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing

Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing
Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing

If you can believe in what you feel
And if you can feel in what you love
And if you can love what you are feeling
Feel in me

And if you and me could be together
This is how we'd be

Believe in the power of my kiss
Because you know it's what you're missing
Are you listening to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

If you put your trust into a dream
And if you can dream a fantasy
And if you believe in love
I want you loving me

What we feel can really be forever
If you wait and see

Believe in the power of my kiss
Because you know it's what you're missing
Are you listening to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Believe in a love as true as this
And feel the power of my kissing
You are everything to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Believe in the power of my kiss
Because you know it's what you're missing
Are you listening to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Believe in a love as true as this
And feel the power of my kissing
You are everything to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing
Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing

Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing
Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing

Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing
Do you know what you've been missing
It's the power of my kissing


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Kaleido Star Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss Paroles - Information

Titre:Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss

AnimeKaleido Star

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:3rd Opening Song English Version

Interprété par:r.o.r and s

Kaleido Star Informations et chansons comme Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss

Tattoo Kiss ~The Power of My Kiss Paroles - Kaleido Star