The Unyielding Wish Paroles - Magic Knight Rayearth

Sandy Fox The Unyielding Wish Magic Knight Rayearth Opening Theme Paroles

The Unyielding Wish Paroles

De l'animeMagic Knight Rayearth

Toutes les paroles


Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!

The sunset melts into the deep blue sea
It turns a crimson shade
A wonderful free fall
I just want to have the wind
Take me faraway
I've cleared impossible hurdles before,
But I know that there's more,
And I know I can make it
Who's to blame when it's not the best
That I can achieve?

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!
Keep tryin' to believe
The biggest part of you-
And now you're ready to go!

How much longer do I have to cry
Before tomorrow's light?
A night full of sorrow
All at once I found today
I've finally hid my limits
I'm sure that when you are falling in
It's just like blinking your eyes
Before you know it, it flies away!
I just want to learn how strong I can be
When I'm searching for love!

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
My lips're tightly sealed
But you can still see it in my eyes-
I've traveled down that road
And found the greater love
This time I know it is real!

I've cleared impossible hurdles before
But I know that there's more
And I know I can make it!
But when I got up to the starting line,
My legs were frozen with fear!

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
Reach out-unfold your arms
And take the key that opens up your

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!

Keep tryin' to believe
The biggest part of you-
And now you're ready to go!


Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!

The sunset melts into the deep blue sea
It turns a crimson shade
A wonderful free fall
I just want to have the wind
Take me faraway
I've cleared impossible hurdles before,
But I know that there's more,
And I know I can make it
Who's to blame when it's not the best
That I can achieve?

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!
Keep tryin' to believe
The biggest part of you-
And now you're ready to go!

How much longer do I have to cry
Before tomorrow's light?
A night full of sorrow
All at once I found today
I've finally hid my limits
I'm sure that when you are falling in love
It's just like blinking your eyes
Before you know it, it flies away!
I just want to learn how strong I can be
When I'm searching for love!

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
My lips're tightly sealed
But you can still see it in my eyes-
I've traveled down that road
And found the greater love
This time I know it is real!

[thanks for visiting]

I've cleared impossible hurdles before
But I know that there's more
And I know I can make it!
But when I got up to the starting line,
My legs were frozen with fear!

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
Reach out-unfold your arms
And take the key that opens up your heart!

Hold onto that dream!
Tomorrow knows where and when
It's true-what you believe
Don't let go-the road will never end!

Keep tryin' to believe
The biggest part of you-
And now you're ready to go!



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Magic Knight Rayearth The Unyielding Wish Paroles - Information

Titre:The Unyielding Wish

AnimeMagic Knight Rayearth

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening Theme

Interprété par:Sandy Fox

Magic Knight Rayearth Informations et chansons comme The Unyielding Wish

The Unyielding Wish Paroles - Magic Knight Rayearth