Insanity Paroles - Mirage of Blaze


Insanity Paroles

De l'animeMirage of Blaze

Toutes les paroles


Could I ever ease the pain of you
Crescent moon follows in my shadow
If I ever ease the pain of you
If I deceive the mind of you

You seize the power ruling the realm of
all sundry
The ceaseless vision making me so weary

Shading, fading, I'm in pain so aching
Slowly sinking, falling, I'm so shaking
I'd take it all if the fate I have
decreed in reverse

*Of all the time I've waited, waited
For the night to come and here it comes
with Luna
Now is the time I've waited, waited
For the day to melt away
It never seem to be

Could I ever loose the chain of you
Midnight blue shadows in my silhouette
If I ever loose the chain of you
If I deceive the eyes of you
Could I ever ease the pain of you
Crescent moon follows in my shadow
If I ever ease the pain of you
Will you be mine to the end of Earth

The tidal water depending on the moody
Sun rises, moon sets, making me remember
the scars

Fleshly earthy, you're insane, so faking
Slowly winging, soaring, being lofty
I'd take it all if the fate I have
decreed in reverse
It should be the time I've craved for
Never seen the light of day...come see
me, Luna
Now reaching to the glow I've craved for

The eclipse to shy away
It never used to be

Could I ever cease the pain of you
Starlit night shadows in my silhouette
If I ever cease the pain of you
If I deceive the eyes of you
Could I ever ease the pain of you
Crescent moon follows in my shadow
If I ever ease the pain of you
Will you be mine till the crack of doom



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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Mirage of Blaze Insanity Paroles - Information


AnimeMirage of Blaze

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:KATHY SHOWER

Arrangé par:Kameyama Kouichiro

Paroles par:Hibi Anri

Mirage of Blaze Informations et chansons comme Insanity

Insanity Paroles - Mirage of Blaze