So Far So Good Paroles - NeoRanga

Miyamura Yuuko, Sumitomo Yuuko, Sendai Eri So Far So Good

So Far So Good Paroles

De l'animeNeoRanga

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So far so good, so far, yes, so far so
So long to live, so long, so long, so
long, you know
So far to fly, so far, yes, so far to fly
But so far so good

Looking for a better life and looking for
some harmony
Looking for a change of pace and looking
for a better place to be

There has to be some other place
Where we can all be free
There has to be a brighter day
Waiting for us out there in wonderland
All the good from the past
All our hopes and our dreams
We wil never let go

So far so good, so far, yes, so far away
So far to go, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to dream, so far, yes, so far to
Time files by so fast, as you know
So far so good, so far, yes so far away
So long ago, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to see, so far, yes, so far to see
But so far so good

Searching for a kind of peace and
searching for true ecstasy
Searching for the kind of love we need to
give us true eternity

Go father than the eye can see
Where we can all be free
Love deeper than the deepest sea
Waiting for you out there in wonderland
You must find it all now
All make it all yours
You must never let go

So far so good, so far, yes, so far away
So far to go, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to dream, so far, yes, so far to
Time files by so fast, as you know
So far so good, so far, yes so far away
So long ago, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to see, so far, yes, so far to see
But so far so good

See the sea and go swimming by the light
of the moon
Kiss the sun in the shining sky
And you'll be free

So far so good, so far, yes, so far away
So far to go, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to dream, so far, yes, so far to
Time files by so fast, as you know
So far so good, so far, yes so far away
So long ago, so far, so far, so far, you
So far to see, so far, yes, so far to see
But so far so good


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

NeoRanga So Far So Good Paroles - Information

Titre:So Far So Good


Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Miyamura Yuuko, Sumitomo Yuuko, Sendai Eri

NeoRanga Informations et chansons comme So Far So Good

So Far So Good Paroles - NeoRanga