key plus words Paroles - Persona 4: The Animation

Hirata Shihoko feat. Kawamura Yumi key plus words Persona 4: The Animation Opening 4 Paroles

key plus words Paroles

De l'animePersona 4: The Animation P4A | ペルソナ4アニメーション

Toutes les paroles


hide and seek
it wants to play again
like a detective,
I won't let it get away
it's constantly costuming
with loads of fake
I will strip search
if I have to
no I'm not afraid to know it
no no no
I am so determined
to chase after what's hidden
and seize this day
this moment

(wanna know)
ENTER KEY to accelerate
(wanna go)
ignition turned on
it's about the time
to drive to truth
(wanna seize)
stranger than any movies
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on hiding)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I want

myst is covering
my peripheral vision
but my determination is
mind blowing
it's so blatant
I won't be a bit timid
it can trick you and
there won't be any treat
no I'm not afraid to find out
no no no
so eager so hungry
to seek out secret
can you conceal it?
when I am after you

(wanna know)
ENTER WORDS to activate
(wanna go)
one more piece to go
it's about the time
to fill it in
(wanna seize)
stranger than any novels
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on running)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I need

I wanna know
even it may hurt
even it brings pain within
my mind's determined
I need to know
even it may kill
even it may change me
ready to face truth

(wanna know)
ENTER KEY to accelerate
(wanna go)
ignition turned on
it's about the time
to drive to truth
(wanna seize)
stranger than any movies
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
I'm gonna go on
and gonna keep it "ON"

(wanna know)
ENTER WORDS to activate
(wanna go)
one more piece to go
it's about the time
to fill it in
(wanna seize)
stranger than any novels
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on running)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I need


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Persona 4: The Animation key plus words Paroles - Information

Titre:key plus words

AnimePersona 4: The Animation

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening 4

Interprété par:Hirata Shihoko feat. Kawamura Yumi

Arrangé par:Meguro Shouji

Paroles par:Lotus Juice

Persona 4: The Animation Informations et chansons comme key plus words

key plus words Paroles - Persona 4: The Animation