Broken Leash Paroles - Princess Ai

Princess Ai Loves Skye (Skye Marsden) Broken Leash

Broken Leash Paroles

De l'animePrincess Ai

Toutes les paroles


Kept away while the earth cries
Swept away by all his lies
Not ready to go but it's time to leave
Already too low to get up and plead

Make me feel something inside
Far too real, too much pain to hide
Not ready to run but my feet won't stay
Already too done for these birds of prey

Woof woof

Woof woof there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.

Woof woof there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.

Worn up with knots that won't unwind
Fed up with cruel dreams acting kind
Not ready to jump, I won't look down
All ready to dump everything around

Look at my hands but they've revealed
Shook by one glance, what they've
Not ready to hit what I just can't see
All ready to quit what I can't set free

What I can't set free

Woof woof

Woof woof there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.

Woof woof there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
I'll break this leash
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.

Woof woof there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.

Oh no there's no looking back
One shot of freedom through the looking
Bowwow no more broken beast
Rip off the collar with the broken leash.


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Princess Ai Broken Leash Paroles - Information

Titre:Broken Leash

AnimePrincess Ai

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Princess Ai Loves Skye (Skye Marsden)

Paroles par:DJ Milky

Princess Ai Informations et chansons comme Broken Leash

Broken Leash Paroles - Princess Ai