What's Your Name? Paroles - Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo

Rin Kurusu, 来栖りん What's Your Name? Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo Ending Theme Paroles

What's Your Name? Paroles

De l'animeRekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo I'll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History | 歴史に残る悪女になるぞ

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Nanka.. nanka.. hen na no
Fuwafuwa suru no kurakura suru no

Sore ja, mata ashita te o furu kimi no sugata
Arere? nanka mune ga chiku tto suru no

Nandatte!? Mou sonna hazu nante nai! Zettai ni
Dakedo mou afuredasu kono kimochi no namae wa nani?
What's your name? Oshiete
Nanka mou, aitai n desu kedo!

Aisu kurimu ni chokoreeto
Minto no happa mo soechao
Konna kimochi hajimete SU·GI·TE
Aikurushii sono neze
Gushagusha shite mitai
Masaka.. masaka.. kore tte hen na no?

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Nankai yoshu shitemo imi nai... nande! Mou
Mondaishuu wa mikata nanka ja nakatta yo

Kurucchau na, mou odaka na hibi obakasuru kimi ni
Deauchatte mou sensei ni kiite mi you kana? Kono kimochi
What's your name? Shiritai
Zutto mou, kokoro ga bitan san

Pankeeki ni miruku tii
Choppiri oome no nama kuriimu
Sonna kanji tokimeki SU·GI·TE

Aisu kurimu ni chokoreeto
Minto no happa mo soechao
Konna kimochi hajimete SU·GI·TE
Aikurushii sono neze
Gushagusha shite mitai
Masaka.. masaka.. kore tte koi na no?


Something... something... feels strange
I feel fluffy and dizzy

Well then, see you tomorrow, waving goodbye to you
Huh? Why does my heart feel a little prick?

What's going on!? This shouldn't be happening! Absolutely not
But what's the name of this overflowing feeling?
What's your name? Tell me
I really want to see you!

Ice cream with chocolate
Let's add a mint leaf on top
This feeling is new and exciting
Your adorable bedhead
I want to mess it up
Could it be... could it be... is this strange?

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No matter how many times I prepare, it doesn't make sense... why!
The problem set wasn't my ally after all

I'm going crazy, you're a presence that disrupts my peaceful days
Should I ask the teacher about this feeling?
What's your name? I want to know
My heart is all fizzy now

Pancakes with milk tea
A little extra whipped cream
That's the kind of feeling that makes my heart flutter

Ice cream with chocolate
Let's add a mint leaf on top
This feeling is new and exciting
Your adorable bedhead
I want to mess it up
Could it... be could it be... is this love?


フワフワするの クラクラするの

それじゃ、また明日 手をふる君の姿
あれれ? なんか 胸がチクッとするの

なんだって!? もう そんなはずなんてない! 絶対に
だけどもう 溢れ出すこの気持ちの名前は何?
What's your name? 教えて

こんな気持ち 初めてSU・GI・TE
愛くるしい その寝癖


何回予習しても意味ない...なんで! もう

狂っちゃうな、もう 穏やかな日々脅かす存在(きみ)に
出逢っちゃってもう 先生に聞いてみようかな? この気持ち
What's your name? 知りたい

そんな感じ トキメキSU・GI・TE

こんな気持ち 初めてSU・GI・TE
愛くるしい その寝癖

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Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo What's Your Name? Paroles - Information

Titre:What's Your Name?

AnimeRekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo

Type de chanson:Ending

Apparaît dans:Ending Theme

Interprété par:Rin Kurusu, 来栖りん

Arrangé par:kazuboy.

Paroles par:Junxix.

Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo Informations et chansons comme What's Your Name?

What's Your Name? Paroles - Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo