Set the Fire (English version) Paroles - Shurato

Satoko Shimizu Set the Fire (English version) Shurato Image song English version Paroles

Set the Fire (English version) Paroles

De l'animeShurato

Toutes les paroles


Sneak out my room late at night
With all these thrills you give I just
can't fight
Drive this familiar space to your place
Can't stop this burning emotion
Inside, what I am feeling is affection
Rolling like stones, I can't help to fall
in love

As I'm getting closer to your body
I can feel my temperature is rising
You make me burning hot

You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Let it happen like it's never before
Hear me what I'm asking for
You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Gotta keep it burning
Till we get enough of our love

Walk through your door then I'll see
This ain't a dream that you and I will be
Loving each other forever and more,
Let's take a ride to the heaven
I'm in the mood for the highest high
Don't make me stand on my knees
To beg you please

As I'm getting closer to your body
I can feel my temperature is rising
You make me burning hot

You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Let it happen like it's never before
Hear me what I'm asking for
You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Gotta keep it burning
Till we get enough of our love

Come on, start the hop so we can make it
So we can take it to the top
Well I'll give you all my lovin'
Baby, can't you see
Don't wanna hold nothin' back
I'm burnin' hot, baby simply hot
You set me on fire, oh yeah

You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Let it happen like it's never before
Hear me what I'm asking for
You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Gotta keep it burning, ooh baby
Hear me what I'm asking for

You're the one who cause desire (Oh yeah)
I'm the one who set the fire
Let it happen like it's never before
Hear me what I'm asking for (I need to
set the fire)
You're the one who cause desire
I'm the one who set the fire
Gotta keep it burning
Till we get enough of our love
(Ah, touch me)


😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Shurato Set the Fire (English version) Paroles - Information

Titre:Set the Fire (English version)


Type de chanson:Other

Apparaît dans:Image song English version

Interprété par:Satoko Shimizu

Shurato Informations et chansons comme Set the Fire (English version)

Set the Fire (English version) Paroles - Shurato