Brighter Side Paroles - Viewtiful Joe

SaGa Brighter Side Viewtiful Joe Opening #1 Paroles

Brighter Side Paroles

De l'animeViewtiful Joe

Toutes les paroles


"It's like
one day you found a treasure in childhood

tried sharing that pleasure but no one
would listen
It turned into the fragile heart
So you tried to be a treasure of someone
But if there's no one to take you either
There's no reason to stay no need to be
Towards somewhere else you're supposed to
Just make it a brand new day
It's time to walk away

I left a note on the door
"Don't worry about me"
Cause I won't come back until I see....

Freely cast all your cares aside
I think we'll see a brighter side
Where all these sorrows start to shine
Dreams can bring the things you need
I'm sure it's really not so bad

When I left my place to go face the world

Everything seemed like a dream but now
feels so cold
There's no one around, certain things
When I feel like I'm hittin' the ground
I lock my door inside so tight
To believe I can make it right
I know I can get through it all
But the world is so big and I feel so
I got no pride, that's why I hide

Something hard to see
Can become reality
You're not alone, you'll find me there

Freely cast all your cares aside
I think we'll see a brighter side
Where all these sorrows start to shine
Dreams can bring the things you need
Your hands will reach the other side
I'm sure it's really not so bad

You've never known
It's in your hands
When you just try to walk away
You've never known
It's in your hands
There's more to you than meets the eye

We used to view the whole world explore
Though it's hard to be refused, just look
out the door
We all make mistakes and we can find the
next step so
Just let yourself go
Yo I'm still on my way
But I found there's treasure in us
The door's open wide
So now i try to reach out my hand to you
When we know what we can really be
We can finally see

So Beautiful Joy

Freely cast all your cares aside
I think we'll see a brighter side
Where all these sorrows start to shine
Dreams can bring the things you need
Your hands will reach the other side
I'm sure it's really not so bad"


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

Nous essayons actuellement de traduire la chanson dans toutes les langues disponibles, soyez patient!

Nos traducteurs feront de leur mieux pour vous apporter la chanson traduite dans les plus brefs délais, visitez la page de temps en temps pour la vérifier! 👒☠️

Viewtiful Joe Brighter Side Paroles - Information

Titre:Brighter Side

AnimeViewtiful Joe

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening #1

Interprété par:SaGa

Viewtiful Joe Informations et chansons comme Brighter Side

Brighter Side Paroles - Viewtiful Joe