Star Letra - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Takahashi Youko Star

Star Letra

Del AnimeNeon Genesis Evangelion Shin Seiki Evangelion | Shinseiki Evangelion | 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

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Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

Sometimes you're feelin' all alone
And you're needing somewhere to turn
You've got to seek inside your soul
When there's no-one else around.

Just hold your head up
Don't let it get you down
(If) its too high to climb
You can always go around

'Cos there's always more than one way
To get you through a bad day
If you only have faith in yourself

When you think you've hurt someone
And their sorrow you can't overcome
Feel like you're heartless and don't care
You need someone to help you out

Just hold out your hand
And you'll be amazed
What you can get through
If you just communicate

'Cos there's always more than one way
To get you through a bad day
If you only have faith in yourself

It's all about your star
Your guardian, your charm
Your eyes, when you walk through the darkness.

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

[thanks for visiting]

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith


Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

Sometimes you're feelin' all alone
And you're needing somewhere to turn
You've got to seek inside your soul
When there's no-one else around.

Just hold your head up
Don't let it get you down
(If) its too high to climb
You can always go around

'Cos there's always more than one way
To get you through a bad day
If you only have faith in yourself

When you think you've hurt someone
And their sorrow you can't overcome
Feel like you're heartless and don't care
You need someone to help you out

Just hold out your hand
And you'll be amazed
What you can get through
If you just communicate

'Cos there's always more than one way
To get you through a bad day
If you only have faith in yourself

It's all about your star
Your guardian, your charm
Your eyes, when you walk through the darkness.

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

[thanks for visiting]

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith
If you just follow, follow your star

Follow your star
Shining its light all through your life
Guiding you on, giving you strength
For living in perfect harmony
Getting it right, keeping it strong
And learn to let our troubles die
Don't be afraid, you'll have the faith



Todas las letras

😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canción ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, ¡tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores harán todo lo posible para traerle la canción traducida lo antes posible, visita la página de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 👒☠️

Neon Genesis Evangelion Star Letra - Información


AnimeNeon Genesis Evangelion

Tipo de canción:Other

Realizada por:Takahashi Youko

Organizada por:Oomori Toshiyuki

Letra hecha por:Oikawa Neko

Neon Genesis Evangelion Información y canciones como Star

Star Letra - Neon Genesis Evangelion