You Can Do It (If You Really Try) Letra - Pokemon

Dream Street You Can Do It (If You Really Try)

You Can Do It (If You Really Try) Letra

Del AnimePokemon Pokémon | Pocket Monsters

Todas las letras


In the morning when you wake up
Open your eyes to a new day
Look around at the gifts you've got
You've been so lucky along the way

Time to finish what you've begun
Have the faith, you're the one
Throw your hat high - up to the sun

Now you face the greatest test
Use the lessons that you've learned
Your goal is to be the best
And claim the prize that you've earned

Ever since you were a young man
You've kept your eye on the master plan
To reach for the top - and touch the sky

It's your destiny
To spread your wings and fly

You can do it if you really try
You can do it if you really try
Spread your wings and learn to fly
You can do it if you really, really try

Keep movin forward to stay alive
Trust your heart and you'll survive
Follow your dreams, never let them die

It's your destiny
To spread your wings and fly

You can do it if you really try
You can do it if you really try
Spread your wings and learn to fly
You can do it if you really, really try

You can do it if you really try
You can do it if you really try
Reach for the top and touch the sky.
You can do it, you can do it
Reach for the top and touch the sky.
Trust your heart and you'll survive
Spread your wings and learn to fly
Follow your dreams...


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Pokemon You Can Do It (If You Really Try) Letra - Informaci贸n

Titulo:You Can Do It (If You Really Try)


Tipo de canci贸n:Other

Realizada por:Dream Street

Pokemon Informaci贸n y canciones como You Can Do It (If You Really Try)

You Can Do It (If You Really Try) Letra - Pokemon