The magic feeling...
It's grown so strong...
Always leads me...
To a place where I belong...
Won't go away...
Never let me down...
I've got the greatest friends...
That ever could be found...
Across every river!
Behind every tree!
On top of every mountain!
They're apart of you and me!
(One world)
One world... Now and forever!
(Best friends)
Best friends... Loyal and true!
(One dream)
One dream... Put side and side!
There's nothing we can't do!
(One hand)
One hand... Helping the other!
(Each heart)
Each heart... Beating as one!
(We live)
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!
You Me Pokemon!
They rush like water...
They soar like the wind...
They're always with me...
Every day that I begin...
They burn like fire...
They chill like ice...
They take on any challenge...
Make any sacrifice...
Across every river!
Behind every tree!
On top of every mountain!
They're apart of you and me!
(One world)
One world... Now and forever!
(Best friends)
Best friends... Loyal and true!
(One dream)
One dream... Put side and side!
There's nothing we can't do!
(One hand)
One hand... Helping the other!
(Each heart)
Each heart... Beating as one!
(We live)
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!
You me Pokemon!
(One world)
One world...
(Best friends)
Best friends
loyal and true...
(One dream)
Just one dream...
There's nothing that we can't do!
(One world)
One world... Now and forever!
(Best friends)
Best friends... Loyal and true!
(One dream)
One dream... Put side and side!
There's nothing we can't do!
(One hand)
One hand... Helping the other!
(Each heart)
Each heart... Beating as one!
(We live)
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!
You me Pokemon!
😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.
Estamos intentando traducir la canción ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, ¡tenga paciencia!
Nuestros traductores harán todo lo posible para traerle la canción traducida lo antes posible, visita la página de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 👒☠️
😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.
Estamos intentando traducir la canción ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, ¡tenga paciencia!
Nuestros traductores harán todo lo posible para traerle la canción traducida lo antes posible, visita la página de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 👒☠️
Todas las letras
😭 Lo sentimos mucho pero aún no hay letra.
Estamos intentando traducir la canción ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, ¡tenga paciencia!
Nuestros traductores harán todo lo posible para traerle la canción traducida lo antes posible, visita la página de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 👒☠️