Nowhere Land Letra - Princess Principal

Ange (CV: Aoi Koga), 古賀葵, Princess (CV: Akira Sekine), 関根明良, Dorothy (CV: You Taichi), 大地葉, Beatrice (CV: Akari Kageyama), 影山灯, Chise (CV: Nozomi Furuki), 古木のぞみ Nowhere Land Princess Principal Princess Principal Crown Handler Ending Letra

Nowhere Land Letra

Del AnimePrincess Principal プリンセス・プリンシパル

Todas las letras


Right on my dream, birds are called upon again
I've been risen by the sun

Often passed the nights
Never reaching
Now we're on our way
I've waited all my life

This is peace for me, and now we're found
(Saw the bird of white, it flew up high)
Smiles await, a new scene
In a drastic shining true light

Look, I'm free to be myself this time
(We're no longer bound, for we're arrived)
There awaits a White Bird
Watching over me and you, always

And the way days were spent will remain
Just don't say your "goodbye"

I spent one day staring down at maps in vain
In that vision, not a smile on my own face, and we know

Always in my mind
Center of this place
I stand there now, and cry

This is peace for me, and now we're found
(Saw the bird of white, it flew up high)
Feathers flap, and cruising
In a drastic sunny blue sky

Look, I'm free to be myself this time
(We're no longer bound, for we've arrived)
There awaits a Whire Bird
Watching over me and you, always

And the way days were spent will remain
Just don't say your"goodbye"

Memorices we had (Will remain in my heart)
Melodies we chant
Echo and expand to nowhere land

As the White Bird flies (Clock continues to sound)
In these endless skies
Stories of our ties soar for all time

La la la la la... La la la la la...


Right on my dream, birds are called upon again
I've been risen by the sun

Often passed the nights
Never reaching
Now we're on our way
I've waited all my life

This is peace for me, and now we're found
(Saw the bird of white, it flew up high)
Smiles await, a new scene
In a drastic shining true light

Look, I'm free to be myself this time
(We're no longer bound, for we're arrived)
There awaits a White Bird
Watching over me and you, always

And the way days were spent will remain
Just don't say your "goodbye"

I spent one day staring down at maps in vain
In that vision, not a smile on my own face, and we know

Always in my mind
Center of this place
I stand there now, and cry

This is peace for me, and now we're found
(Saw the bird of white, it flew up high)
Feathers flap, and cruising
In a drastic sunny blue sky

Look, I'm free to be myself this time
(We're no longer bound, for we've arrived)
There awaits a Whire Bird
Watching over me and you, always

And the way days were spent will remain
Just don't say your"goodbye"

Memorices we had (Will remain in my heart)
Melodies we chant
Echo and expand to nowhere land

As the White Bird flies (Clock continues to sound)
In these endless skies
Stories of our ties soar for all time

La la la la la... La la la la la...



Todas las letras

Justo en mi sueño, las aves son llamadas de nuevo.
He estado resucitado por el sol

A menudo pasó las noches
Nunca alcanzar
Ahora estaban en nuestro camino
He esperado toda mi vida

Esto es la paz para mí, y ahora fueron encontrados.
(Vio el pájaro de blanco, voló alto)
Sonrisas esperadas, una nueva escena.
En una brillante luz verdadera.

Mira, soy libre de ser yo mismo esta vez
(Ya no estaban atados, porque fueron llegados)
Ahí espera un pájaro blanco
Mirando sobre mí y tú, siempre.

Y la forma en que se gastaron los días se quedará
Simplemente no digas tu adiós

Pasé un día mirando a los mapas en vano.
En esa visión, no una sonrisa en mi propia cara, y sabemos.

Siempre en mi mente
Con vista a
Centro de este lugar
Estoy allí ahora, y lloro

Esto es la paz para mí, y ahora fueron encontrados.
(Vio el pájaro de blanco, voló alto)
Colgación de plumas, y crucero.
En un cielo azul soleado drástico

Mira, soy libre de ser yo mismo esta vez
(Ya no estaban atados, porque hemos llegado)
Ahí espera un pájaro de whire
Mirando sobre mí y tú, siempre.

Y la forma en que se gastaron los días se quedará
Solo no digas tugobybye

Memorios que teníamos (permanecerá en mi corazón)
Melodías que cantamos
Echo y expandiéndose a la tierra de la nada.

A medida que el pájaro blanco vuela (el reloj continúa sano).
En estos cielos sin fin
Historias de nuestros vínculos se elevan para todos los tiempos.

La La La La La ... La La La La La ...

Princess Principal Nowhere Land Letra - Información

Titulo:Nowhere Land

AnimePrincess Principal

Tipo de canción:Ending

Aparece en:Princess Principal Crown Handler Ending

Realizada por:Ange (CV: Aoi Koga), 古賀葵, Princess (CV: Akira Sekine), 関根明良, Dorothy (CV: You Taichi), 大地葉, Beatrice (CV: Akari Kageyama), 影山灯, Chise (CV: Nozomi Furuki), 古木のぞみ

Organizada por:Ryo Takahashi, 高橋諒

Letra hecha por:Konnie Aoki

Princess Principal Información y canciones como Nowhere Land

Nowhere Land Letra - Princess Principal