The Other Side of the Wall Letra - Princess Principal

Void_Chords feat.MARU The Other Side of the Wall Princess Principal Opening Theme Letra

The Other Side of the Wall Letra

Del AnimePrincess Principal プリンセス・プリンシパル

Todas las letras


Hear me, I say
Cross the wall

Can you feel that nothing
Turns around
Like a gear in
Sync inside a clock
Who can be sure of how to
Make it work
Inner sight
Gotta stay alive

I will never be deceived I'm
A girl that sees through lies
Cuz I know
Know it all
Gonna fly so high

Get across the wall
What awaits,
And what can it show me now
Smack it down
Get across the wall
Break away,
And then let'em catch me say
"Don't let me down"
Oh yeah,
When the clockwork
Moves and starts to shine
(You got to find)
Forever let it blow
Carry out
Show the way
Blast it off right

[Full Version Continues]

Hear me, I say
Cross the wall
I can see
That all of us seek control
But don't be swayed,
Be cool and keep it calm
You've gotta see the
Flow to place it right
Seek inside
Gotta find
For it's time rise
All you'll ever need to be
Cast away is to be blind
Gotta go
Throw'em off
There's a way to find
Get across the wall
Higher pace,
And get even further now
I'm burnin' now
Get across the wall
In the shade,
See that even darker shape
I'll light it up
Oh yeah,
I can see our future's
'bout to shine
(Cuz I can find)
Forever let is show
For my aim
Leads the way
Shine the path bright

I can never see when night
Takes over
The speculation's
Lurkin' and I'm a loner
Still It glows, in our minds
Fly so high, so bright
Get across the wall
What awaits,
And what can it show me now
Smack it down
Get across the wall
Break away,
And then let'em catch me say
"Don't let me down"
Oh yeah,
When the clockwork moves and
Starts to shine
(You got to find)
Forever let it blow
Carry out
Show the way
Blast it off right
Hear me, I say
Cross the wall


Hear me, I say
Cross the wall

Can you feel that nothing
Turns around
Like a gear in
Sync inside a clock
Who can be sure of how to
Make it work
Inner sight
Gotta stay alive

I will never be deceived I'm
A girl that sees through lies
Cuz I know
Know it all
Gonna fly so high

Get across the wall
What awaits,
And what can it show me now
Smack it down
Get across the wall
Break away,
And then let'em catch me say
"Don't let me down"
Oh yeah,
When the clockwork
Moves and starts to shine
(You got to find)
Forever let it blow
Carry out
Show the way
Blast it off right

[Full Version Continues]

Hear me, I say
Cross the wall
I can see
That all of us seek control
But don't be swayed,
Be cool and keep it calm
You've gotta see the
Flow to place it right
Seek inside
Gotta find
For it's time rise
All you'll ever need to be
Cast away is to be blind
Gotta go
Throw'em off
There's a way to find
Get across the wall
Higher pace,
And get even further now
I'm burnin' now
Get across the wall
In the shade,
See that even darker shape
I'll light it up
Oh yeah,
I can see our future's
'bout to shine
(Cuz I can find)
Forever let is show
For my aim
Leads the way
Shine the path bright

I can never see when night
Takes over
The speculation's
Lurkin' and I'm a loner
Still It glows, in our minds
Fly so high, so bright
Get across the wall
What awaits,
And what can it show me now
Smack it down
Get across the wall
Break away,
And then let'em catch me say
"Don't let me down"
Oh yeah,
When the clockwork moves and
Starts to shine
(You got to find)
Forever let it blow
Carry out
Show the way
Blast it off right
Hear me, I say
Cross the wall



Todas las letras

Oyame, digo
Cruzar la pared

¿Puedes sentir que nada?
Giro alrededor
Como un equipo en
Sincronizar dentro de un reloj
¿Quién puede estar seguro de cómo?
Hazlo funcionar
Vista interna
Tengo que mantenerte vivo

Nunca seré engañado im
Una chica que ve a través de mentiras.
Porque lo sé
Saberlo todo
Voy a volar tan alto

Cruzar la pared
Lo que espera,
Y que puedo mostrarme ahora
Golpearlo abajo
Cruzar la pared
Y luego me atrapan dicen
No me decepciones
Oh sí,
Cuando el reloj
Se mueve y comienza a brillar
(Tienes que encontrarlo)
Para siempre dejarlo soplar
Muestra el camino
Arruinarlo a la derecha

[La versión completa continúa]

Oyame, digo
Cruzar la pared
puedo ver
Que todos nosotros buscamos el control
Pero no se lo hagas,
Sé genial y manténgalo tranquilo.
Tienes que ver el
Fluir para colocarlo bien
Buscar dentro
Tengo que encontrar
Por su tiempo de subida
Todo lo que siempre necesites ser
Desechado es ser ciego
Me tengo que ir
Hay una manera de encontrar
Cruzar la pared
Mayor ritmo,
Y llegar aún más lejos ahora
Estoy armando ahora
Cruzar la pared
En la sombra,
Ver esa forma aún más oscura
Lo encenderé
Oh sí,
Puedo ver nuestros futuros
pelea para brillar
(Porque puedo encontrar)
Para siempre que se muestre
Para mi objetivo
Lleva el camino
Brillar el camino brillante

Nunca puedo ver cuando la noche
Se hace cargo
Las especulaciones
Lurkin y soy un solitario
Todavía se ilumina, en nuestras mentes.
Vuela tan alto, tan brillante.
Cruzar la pared
Lo que espera,
Y que puedo mostrarme ahora
Golpearlo abajo
Cruzar la pared
Y luego me atrapan dicen
No me decepciones
Oh sí,
Cuando el reloj se mueve y
Comienza a brillar
(Tienes que encontrarlo)
Para siempre dejarlo soplar
Muestra el camino
Arruinarlo a la derecha
Oyame, digo
Cruzar la pared

Princess Principal The Other Side of the Wall Letra - Información

Titulo:The Other Side of the Wall

AnimePrincess Principal

Tipo de canción:Opening

Aparece en:Opening Theme

Realizada por:Void_Chords feat.MARU

Princess Principal Información y canciones como The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall Letra - Princess Principal