For the Brand-New Dream Letra - Touch

The Alfee For the Brand-New Dream Touch Movie 3 Ending Theme Letra

For the Brand-New Dream Letra

Del AnimeTouch

Todas las letras


Don't you cry now, don't be sorry
Yesterday is gone
'Cause baby, all good things must end.
Try to smile now, don't you worry
Tomorrow's gonna come
And baby, we can still be friends

Tough we have to part (It's time to go)
I know in my heart (One thing I know)
Life is what we make it, girl
And this is just the start

So baby, please remember
When we say goodbye
There'll be a brand-new dream
For you and I

Good luck and goodbye, baby
Doesn't mean the end now, my baby
We'll meet again now, baby
We'll find a way
For the Brand-new dream

Did you ever get that feeling
Dreams could all come true
Just maybe, if you really try.
Now it's time to let that feeling
Take control of you
Oh baby, spread your wings and fly

There's so much ahead (There's so much
Life's an open door (So much in store)
It's such a great big world
What are you waiting for?

No baby, don't be lonely
When you think of me
Though far away I'll see you
In my dreams

Good luck and goodbye, baby
Doesn't mean the end now, my baby
We'll meet again now, baby
We'll find a way
For the Brand-new dream

So baby, please remember
When we say goodbye
There'll be a brand-new dream
For you and I

Good luck and goodbye, baby
Doesn锟絫 mean the end now, my baby
We'll meet again now, baby
I just gotta say now, my baby

Good luck and goodbye, baby
Doesn't mean the end now, my baby
We'll meet again now, baby
But until that day now, my baby

Good luck and goodbye, baby
We'll find a way
For the Brand-new dream


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍


馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Todas las letras

馃槶 Lo sentimos mucho pero a煤n no hay letra.

Estamos intentando traducir la canci贸n ahora mismo a todos los idiomas que tenemos disponibles, 隆tenga paciencia!

Nuestros traductores har谩n todo lo posible para traerle la canci贸n traducida lo antes posible, visita la p谩gina de vez en cuando para ver si se ha traducido!. 馃憭鈽狅笍

Touch For the Brand-New Dream Letra - Informaci贸n

Titulo:For the Brand-New Dream


Tipo de canci贸n:Ending

Aparece en:Movie 3 Ending Theme

Realizada por:The Alfee

Touch Informaci贸n y canciones como For the Brand-New Dream

For the Brand-New Dream Letra - Touch