Make Believe Paroles - C Danchi

Ivan Kwong & AG Make Believe C Danchi Opening Theme Paroles

Make Believe Paroles

De l'animeC Danchi Housing Complex C | C団地

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Now take back hope
Now take back hope

All the feelings we want to let free
Words are overwhelming, choking me
One thing changes to another thing, yeah
I think I know who I wanna be
But do you know who you wanna be?
Oh yeah

All I ever wanted
Was just another chance
Arifureta michi mayoikomu tada
Picking up the pieces alone in the dark
Can I fix my broken life?
Can I?

[thanks for visiting]

Now take back
Iroaseru ???
??? no kioku no naka
Now take back
??? no kioku no naka
We'll never let this go now
??? narunara

Now take back hope
Now take back hope

*These lyrics have been transcribed by ear.
We were unable to confirm ??? parts


Now take back hope
Now take back hope

All the feelings we want to let free
Words are overwhelming, choking me
One thing changes to another thing, yeah
I think I know who I wanna be
But do you know who you wanna be?
Oh yeah

All I ever wanted
Was just another chance
If I get lost on an ordinary road
Picking up the pieces alone in the dark
Can I fix my broken life?
Can I?

[thanks for visiting]

Now take back
Fading ???
??? in the memory
Now take back
??? in the memory
We'll never let this go now

Now take back hope
Now take back hope


Now take back hope
Now take back hope

All the feelings we want to let free
Words are overwhelming, choking me
One thing changes to another thing, yeah
I think I know who I wanna be
But do you know who you wanna be?
Oh yeah

All I ever wanted
Was just another chance
ありふれた道 迷い込むただ
Picking up the pieces alone in the dark
Can I fix my broken life?
Can I?


Now take back
Now take back
We'll never let this go now

Now take back hope
Now take back hope

Toutes les paroles

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C Danchi Make Believe Paroles - Information

Titre:Make Believe

AnimeC Danchi

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening Theme

Interprété par:Ivan Kwong & AG

C Danchi Informations et chansons comme Make Believe

Make Believe Paroles - C Danchi