Secret of the Day Paroles - C Danchi

De Tesla Secret of the Day C Danchi Ending Theme Paroles

Secret of the Day Paroles

De l'animeC Danchi Housing Complex C | C団地

Toutes les paroles


Persist in not forgetting any names
Solemn sign hiding in your pulse inside
It still owns a bye
Please tell me in the end
Secret how you care
Face the scars and live with them
Tell me in the end
What makes you care?

The secret of the day
We're trying, missing, pretending
No one told you what we're chasing
To save the fading
Catching the voice
Dimming, but never losing
I will see you there
No another where

[thanks for visiting]

The secret of the day
We're trying, missing, pretending
To save the fading
Catching the voice
Dimming, but never losing
I will see you there


Persist in not forgetting any names
Solemn sign hiding in your pulse inside
It still owns a bye
Please tell me in the end
Secret how you care
Face the scars and live with them
Tell me in the end
What makes you care?

The secret of the day
We're trying, missing, pretending
No one told you what we're chasing
To save the fading
Catching the voice
Dimming, but never losing
I will see you there
No another where

[thanks for visiting]

The secret of the day
We're trying, missing, pretending
To save the fading
Catching the voice
Dimming, but never losing
I will see you there



Toutes les paroles

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C Danchi Secret of the Day Paroles - Information

Titre:Secret of the Day

AnimeC Danchi

Type de chanson:Ending

Apparaît dans:Ending Theme

Interprété par:De Tesla

C Danchi Informations et chansons comme Secret of the Day

Secret of the Day Paroles - C Danchi