skywriting Paroles - Last Exile

Shuntaro Okino skywriting

skywriting Paroles

De l'animeLast Exile Rasuto Eguzairu | ラストエグザイル

Toutes les paroles


least that I could do
in memory of you
you taught me how to fly
not forgotten now
turn the ship around
fly into the storm
scatter light all over the gloom

my father had his pride
now I fly alone

his ship it never lies
so it's always by my side
lighten up today
deep inside the storm
scatter light all over the gloom

keep flying
leaving tracks in the ether
can't let that monster beat me
don't think so
but they call it invincible

so I soar
though I'm deep inside the storm it won't
defeat me
shake me free
look out here comes trouble
maybe I'm just pushing through a dream
but it looks real to me now

though I'm deep inside the storm it won't
defeat me
shake me free
look out here comes trouble
maybe I'm just pushing through a dream
but all these things
feel quite real to me

what else could I do?
a memory of you
there's writing in the sky
of the monsters in the deep
spin the wheel around
breaking through the storm
scatter light all over the gloom

I'm falling
tumbling back to earth

time to soar
though I'm trapped inside a storm it
won't defeat me
shake me free

look out here comes trouble
nothing comes so easy as a dream
but it seems real to me now

though I'm deep inside a storm it won't
defeat me
floating free
look out here comes trouble
maybe I'm just pushing through a dream
but strange how things
feel quite real to me

though I'm deep inside a storm it won't
defeat me
shake me free
though I'm deep inside a storm it won't
defeat me
shake me free...


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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Last Exile skywriting Paroles - Information


AnimeLast Exile

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Shuntaro Okino

Paroles par:Damian Broomhead

Last Exile Informations et chansons comme skywriting

skywriting Paroles - Last Exile