Believe (English Ver.) Paroles - One Piece

Meredith McCoy Believe (English Ver.) One Piece Opening 2 (English Version) Paroles

Believe (English Ver.) Paroles

De l'animeOne Piece ワンピース

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People tell me my head's in the clouds
I don't care what they say because I'm dreamin' of you
You are the treasure I've found
So bright, so bold, yet so elusive

It's hard to look away
Even though it's blinding me
There are no words to describe
How I feel inside.
I'm really, really stuck on you whoa, whoa!

I'm gonna follow my dreams
However crazy they seem
And I won't stop 'til I get there, you will see
You're all I need
To have the strength to believe
Believe in Wonderland!

[thanks for visiting]

I'm gonna' follow my dreams
However crazy they seem
I'm gonna' share them with you
A love so true
You're all I want, together we can move on
Live how we want to!

There is no limit to us
We have the power of love
And we don't wanna' live ordinary lives
We have the chance to live in paradise
Believe in Wonderland!


People tell me my head's in the clouds
I don't care what they say because I'm dreamin' of you
You are the treasure I've found
So bright, so bold, yet so elusive

It's hard to look away
Even though it's blinding me
There are no words to describe
How I feel inside.
I'm really, really stuck on you whoa, whoa!

I'm gonna follow my dreams
However crazy they seem
And I won't stop 'til I get there, you will see
You're all I need
To have the strength to believe
Believe in Wonderland!

[thanks for visiting]

I'm gonna' follow my dreams
However crazy they seem
I'm gonna' share them with you
A love so true
You're all I want, together we can move on
Live how we want to!

There is no limit to us
We have the power of love
And we don't wanna' live ordinary lives
We have the chance to live in paradise
Believe in Wonderland!


For Japanese Version

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One Piece Believe (English Ver.) Paroles - Information

Titre:Believe (English Ver.)

AnimeOne Piece

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening 2 (English Version)

Interprété par:Meredith McCoy

One Piece Informations et chansons comme Believe (English Ver.)

Believe (English Ver.) Paroles - One Piece