Burn My Dread Paroles - Persona 4: The Animation

Kawamura Yumi Burn My Dread Persona 4: The Animation Opening 5 Paroles

Burn My Dread Paroles

De l'animePersona 4: The Animation P4A | ペルソナ4アニメーション

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Dreamless dorm ticking clock
I walk away from the soundless room
Windless night moonlight melts
My ghostly shadow to the lukewarm gloom

Nightly dance of bleeding swords
Reminds me that I still live

I will burn my dread
I once ran away from the god of fear
And he chained me to despair

Burn my dread
I'll break the chain
And run till I see the sunlight again

I'll lift my face and run to the sunlight

Voiceless town tapping feet
I clench my fists in pockets tight
Far in mist a tower awaits
Like a merciless tomb devouring moonlight

Clockwork maze and unknown
In frozen time a staircase stands
Shadows crawl on bloodstained floor
I rush straight ahead with a sword in

Cold touch of my trembling gun
I close my eyes to hear you breathe

I will burn my dread
This time I'll grapple down that god of
And throw him into hell's fire

Burn my dread
I'll shrug the pain
And run till I see the sunlight again

Oh I will run burning all regret and
And I will face the sun with the pride of
the living


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Persona 4: The Animation Burn My Dread Paroles - Information

Titre:Burn My Dread

AnimePersona 4: The Animation

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening 5

Interprété par:Kawamura Yumi

Arrangé par:Meguro Shouji

Paroles par:Komori Shigeo and Komori Yoshihiro

Persona 4: The Animation Informations et chansons comme Burn My Dread

Burn My Dread Paroles - Persona 4: The Animation