The Chosen One Paroles - Pokemon

The B-52s The Chosen One

The Chosen One Paroles

De l'animePokemon Pokémon | Pocket Monsters

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Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or
Lest these titans wreak destruction upon
the world in which they clash!

Though the water's great Guardian shall
arise to quell the fighting
Alone it's song will fail, thus the earth
shall turn to Ash!

Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the
Chosen One!
Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!)

Into thine hands bring together all three
The treasures combined, tame The Beast Of
The Sea!

From the trio of islands, ancient spheres
shall you take
For between life and death, all the
difference you'll make!

Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the
Chosen One!
Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!)

Climb to the shrine to right what is
And the world will be healed by the
Guardian's song!

*Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the
Chosen One!

*Repeats as song fades out


Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning
Lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash!

Though the water's great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting
Alone it's song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to Ash!

Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the Chosen One!
Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!)

Into thine hands bring together all three
The treasures combined, tame The Beast Of The Sea!

>From the trio of islands, ancient spheres shall you take
For between life and death, all the difference you'll make!

Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the Chosen One!
Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!)

Climb to the shrine to right what is wrong
And the world will be healed by the Guardian's song!

Oh Chosen One! (Chosen One!) You are the Chosen One...



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Pokemon The Chosen One Paroles - Information

Titre:The Chosen One


Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:The B-52s

Pokemon Informations et chansons comme The Chosen One

The Chosen One Paroles - Pokemon