Two Perfect Girls Paroles - Pokemon

Eric Stuart Two Perfect Girls Pokemon Brock Song Paroles

Two Perfect Girls Paroles

De l'animePokemon Pokémon | Pocket Monsters

Toutes les paroles


A one-woman man's what I wanna be
To stay by her side so faithfully
I would if I could, but it's just no good
'Cause there's two perfect girls for me

Ha! Ha! Ha! All right!

Jenny, oh Jenny!
Joy, oh Joy!
A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me

Oh, yeah!

Officer Jenny, oh, can't you see
You can lock me up and throw away the
Jenny, if lovin' you's a crime
Then sentence me now and I'll do the time

My uniform beauty is simply the best
She's got my heart under house arrest
But before that cop names me her boy
I'm head-over-heels (He's
I'm head-over-heels for a nurse named


Jenny, oh Jenny!
Joy, oh Joy!
A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me

All right!

Nurse Joy, won't you please
Cure me of this bad disease?
Oh, Joy, the diagnosis is bleak
When I see your face my knees get weak

Well, I'm burnin' up, I got the fever
She's my perfect nurse and I'll never
leave 'er
Her bedside manner has healed so many
So, why am I in love (Why's he so in
Why am I in love with Officer Jenny?


Jenny, oh Jenny!
Joy, oh Joy!
A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! All right! Swing it!

(Instrumental Break)

Aw, Jenny! Whoo!

A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me

Oh, I've tried (tried!) and I've tried
And I've searched way deep inside (deep
From these two, I won't choose! I can't
stand the bad news
'Bout the name of the girl that I'm gonna

This can't go on, enough is enough!
I've gotta pick one, no matter how tough
It's time for eeny-meeny-miny-mo...
But, wait a second! (Wait a second!)
Wait a second! (Come on and wait a
What's her name? I've just gotta know
I've just gotta know!

Oh, Jenny, oh Jenny!
Joy, oh Joy!
A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's...
One, no, two!
Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven!
So many!
Perfect girls for me

All right!


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Toutes les paroles

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Pokemon Two Perfect Girls Paroles - Information

Titre:Two Perfect Girls


Type de chanson:Other

Apparaît dans:Brock Song

Interprété par:Eric Stuart

Paroles par:Norman J. Grossfeld

Pokemon Informations et chansons comme Two Perfect Girls

Two Perfect Girls Paroles - Pokemon