Shuwa Shuwa Paroles - Slow Loop

Three∞Loop Shuwa Shuwa Slow Loop Ending Theme Paroles

Shuwa Shuwa Paroles

De l'animeSlow Loop スローループ

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Nani mo iwanakute mo
Wakaruyo kidoairaku uso mo hontou mo
Nani mo shinakute mo
Tonari ni iru dake de kyou ga kagayakidasu

Zutto umi ga sukina no wa
Kimi ga itsumo soba ni itakara
Warai kata nitekitane
Watashitachi marude saidaa mitai

Shuwashuwa waraigoe kasanatte
Shuwashuwa ukande hikeatte
Hikari o atsumete tokubetsu ga fueteiku
Shuwashuwa waraigoe kasanatte

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Shuwashuwa ukande hajikeatte
Kako mo mirai mo waracchau youna
Ima ga zutto koko ni arimasu you ni
Kako mo mirai mo waracchau youna

Ima ga zutto koko ni arimasu you ni


Even if you don't say anything
I know how you're feeling and
When you're lying or telling the truth
Even if you don't do anything
Just being next to you
Makes the day brighter

The reason I've always loved the ocean
Is because you were always by my side
The way we laugh is becoming similar
It's almost like we're cider

[thanks for visiting]

Bubble, bubble, our laughter combines
Bubble, bubble, then floats up and pops together
We gather up the light and
Gain even more precious things

Bubble, bubble, our laughter combines
Bubble, bubble, then floats up and pops together
May a present where we can laugh about the past and future
Always be right here
May a present where we can laugh about the past and future
Always be right here


わかるよ喜怒哀楽 噓も本当も
隣にいるだけで 今日が輝き出す

ずっと 海が好きなのは
笑い方 似てきたね
わたしたち まるでサイダーみたい


シュワシュワ 笑い声重なって
シュワシュワ 浮かんで弾け合って

シュワシュワ 笑い声重なって
シュワシュワ 浮かんで弾け合って

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Slow Loop Shuwa Shuwa Paroles - Information

Titre:Shuwa Shuwa

AnimeSlow Loop

Type de chanson:Ending

Apparaît dans:Ending Theme

Interprété par:Three∞Loop

Slow Loop Informations et chansons comme Shuwa Shuwa

Shuwa Shuwa Paroles - Slow Loop