Butterfly in the Still Paroles - Soul Eater

Kaori Kano Butterfly in the Still

Butterfly in the Still Paroles

De l'animeSoul Eater ソウルイーター

Toutes les paroles


Raining and raining
It could be a happy thing to you
Raindrops of wishes
For you, my dear, so look up
In the sky

See, you'll find your star signs
See how much your life shines
So close your umbrella
See, a love letter from the heavens

Millions of bell rings
The sound of the breeze for you dreamer
Sometimes we forget the precious thing
Which we have lost

Why were we born here?
Why are we crying here?
How do we believe in us?
But we'll come to say thanks
To all the pain we felt

Under the paisley sky
Feathers float from the smiles in our
Spirals of the pains and rains grow
To the splendid butterfly

Life is brighter than you think
So don't you cry anymore
Rain for you
In the still

Red and blue and yellow
A blossomy spring comes
To your sight
Through your sight

Raining and raining
It could be a happy thing to you
Millions of bell rings
The sound of the breeze for you dreamer

Rain for you


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Toutes les paroles

😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Soul Eater Butterfly in the Still Paroles - Information

Titre:Butterfly in the Still

AnimeSoul Eater

Type de chanson:Other

Interprété par:Kaori Kano

Soul Eater Informations et chansons comme Butterfly in the Still

Butterfly in the Still Paroles - Soul Eater