I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There Paroles - Wild Arms

I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There Wild Arms Opening - English extended version Paroles

I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There Paroles

De l'animeWild Arms

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Thinking you how to find the straight
It challenges you, thinking all the
through can't find
It's all right
Trust in yourself

so come on, it's because you've come this
it's waiting for you
You must brace yourself above and touch
the sky

On the dream i dreamed to you
Wind of fate come blowing blue
Takes away the things you love
And you don't know what to do

Then from nothing comes the light
See the future seal inside
With advent and you find a thing that you

The dreams we see so far
Together mixed up to me how
So don't let go you know what come


I see you endless gazing up to the sky
One turning why?
And you feel you can go on
But you know, this is the end
So come on it's a light we seek in your
You pulling yourself in this dream you
never run away from here

On the outside me would smile, nothing
choking on the while
on the inside me would cry, painful truth
they tried to hide
but no matter what they do
what a loosen they could use
they can try
but not hide the truth from a last

The passion on the shy
We know that we can be deny
No need to hide the sigh they trying

Looking on winds ahead we look to the sky
and suffer a while
Cold wind blows and wounds will down
trust my eyes
Knows what i feel
Don't look down
It's the passion from above
Your message is true, find the future
said we've been all looking for

Most of all
Keep the road in front of you
Save from the harm
So much more we saw the light
Many more , no fall behind
That is why , you must save this for your
Save for the rest
Even though your fate may not into the

*Back To Refrain*


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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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😭 Nous sommes désolés mais il n'y a pas encore de paroles.

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Wild Arms I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There Paroles - Information

Titre: I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There

AnimeWild Arms

Type de chanson:Opening

Apparaît dans:Opening - English extended version

Wild Arms Informations et chansons comme I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There

 I Look Up At The Sky Because You Are There Paroles - Wild Arms