Nikopol Paroles - Gurren Lagann

& Lyrics: qadtbep Nikopol Gurren Lagann Viral's image theme Paroles

Nikopol Paroles

De l'animeGurren Lagann Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann | Break Through Heaven Gurren Lagann | Guren Lagan | TTGL | 天元突破グレンラガン

Toutes les paroles


The ground below my feet" elevated
Instinctively programmed there for me
No thoughts my visions clear not too
I'm here because you're here
(You've got a problem now)

The speck of fear grows in your eyes
You'll meet your death in no disguise
It may come as a small surprise
There will be no compromise for you

No problem can't be solved temporarily
Then soon it gets forgotten that you
Sounds echo underground nauseating
I'm here because you're here
(You've got a problem now)

The speck of fear grows in your eyes
You'll meet your death in no disguise
It may come as a small surprise
There will be no compromise for you


The ground below my feet" elevated
Instinctively programmed there for me
No thoughts my visions clear not too complicated
I'm here because you're here
(You've got a problem now)

The speck of fear grows in your eyes
You'll meet your death in no disguise
It may come as a small surprise
There will be no compromise for you

[thanks for visiting]

No problem can't be solved temporarily
Then soon it gets forgotten that you exist
Sounds echo underground nauseating
I'm here because you're here
(You've got a problem now)

The speck of fear grows in your eyes
You'll meet your death in no disguise
It may come as a small surprise
There will be no compromise for you



Toutes les paroles

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Gurren Lagann Nikopol Paroles - Information


AnimeGurren Lagann

Type de chanson:Other

Apparaît dans:Viral's image theme

Interprété par:& Lyrics: qadtbep

Arrangé par:Iwasaki Taku

Gurren Lagann Informations et chansons comme Nikopol

Nikopol Paroles - Gurren Lagann