Title:Blue Dragon
Released on year:2008
Released in:Spring
Num Episodes:51
In the wake of an unexpected assault on Shu's village by an enigmatic adversary, an unwavering determination ignites within him and his steadfast companions, Jiro and Kluke, to staunchly defend their cherished homeland. It is during these tumultuous times that they fortuitously encounter the formidable warrior Zola, who bestows upon them the extraordinary ability known as Shadow. Harnessing this newfound power, they are able to manifest their very own shadows into magnificent beasts of unparalleled might. As fate would have it, Shu is granted the privilege of commanding the awe-inspiring entity, the Blue Dragon. United in purpose, the intrepid group embarks on a perilous journey, resolute in their mission to vanquish their mysterious adversary once and for all.