Title:Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu.
Also Called:The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior | 悲劇の元凶となる最強外道ラスボス女王は民の為に尽くします。
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:12
Pride Royal Ivy stands as the ultimate adversary and a despicable figure in the captivating otome game titled "To a Beam of Light With You." Her heinous acts are countless, from subjecting her adopted brother to a soul-binding contract, to exploiting her authority to mistreat the servants under her command. In essence, she epitomizes pure, unadulterated villainy. A seemingly ordinary Japanese high school student finds themselves reincarnated into the fragile, eight-year-old frame of Princess Pride. With an unwavering determination to survive, our protagonist embarks on a treacherous journey, armed with extraordinary abilities that border on supernatural. Their goal? To save their father, liberate the kingdom from impending doom, and ultimately ascend to the throne as a compassionate and benevolent ruler. Thus, Pride vows to reshape her destiny, resolute in her pursuit regardless of the challenges that lie ahead.