Title:Megumi no Daigo: Kyuukoku no Orange
Also Called:Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange | め組の大吾 救国のオレンジ
Released on year:2023
Released in:Fall
Witness the inspiring journey of three extraordinary young firefighters destined to become heroes and save Japan! Their spirits ablaze with unwavering determination, Toake Daigo, Onoda Shun, and Nakamura Yuki each face their own formidable obstacles. Yet, united by a common goal, they aspire to join the prestigious and rarefied ranks of the esteemed special rescue force known as "Orange". As fate intertwines their paths, the epic tale of Japan's salvation unfurls before us, painted with peril and challenge like never before. Brace yourself as this trio confronts a crisis of cataclysmic proportions, one that threatens the very fabric of the nation itself!