Gekkouyoku Lyrics - Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya

Yorushika, ヨルシカ Gekkouyoku Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya Main Theme Lyrics

Gekkouyoku Lyrics

From the AnimeOoyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage | 大雪海のカイナ ほしのけんじゃ

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😭 We are very sorry but there are no lyrics yet.

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Our translators will do their best to bring you the translated song as soon as possible, visit the page from time to time to check it out! 👒☠️


😭 We are very sorry but there are no lyrics yet.

We are trying to translate the song right now into all the languages we have available, please be patient!

Our translators will do their best to bring you the translated song as soon as possible, visit the page from time to time to check it out! 👒☠️


😭 We are very sorry but there are no lyrics yet.

We are trying to translate the song right now into all the languages we have available, please be patient!

Our translators will do their best to bring you the translated song as soon as possible, visit the page from time to time to check it out! 👒☠️

Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya Gekkouyoku Lyrics - Information


AnimeOoyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya

Type of Song:Other

Appears in:Main Theme

Performed by:Yorushika, ヨルシカ

Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya Information and Songs Like Gekkouyoku

Gekkouyoku Lyrics - Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya
Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya Argument

Gekkouyoku Lyrics - Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya belongs to the anime Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya, take a look at the argument:

In a world on the brink of annihilation, humanity teeters on the precipice of extinction. Against a backdrop of icy desolation and scarce water resources, the last vestiges of survival are nestled beneath the colossal Orbital Trees that punctuate the barren Earth. Whispers of an ancient legend beckon, promising salvation in the form of a sage harboring the elusive secret to replenishing a parched world. Enter Ririha, the stalwart princess of Atland, whose determination propels her skyward on an organic hot-air balloon. Her treacherous ascent carries her to the apex of an Orbital Tree, a mystical realm known as the Canopy. Here, amidst an ethereal pane of crystalline ice, she seeks the long-awaited encounter with her nation's savior. However, fate has a different plan in store. Within this shimmering expanse, Ririha crosses paths with Kaina, an enigmatic figure who etches out a meager existence on the Canopy. Yet, the man she sought remains frustratingly elusive. Stranded and unable to reconcile her predicament alone, the princess discovers an unexpected ally in Kaina, whose burning desire to explore the surface world overrides his caution. Little do they know the perils that await them, including the relentless warfare waged against Ririha's kingdom by the formidable and technologically advanced nation of Valghia. As Kaina unravels the harrowing truths of a war-ravaged land and learns of the unfathomable dangers lurking beneath the surface, he soon realizes that his role as Ririha's guide will demand more from him than he ever imagined. Together, they embark on a treacherous journey that will test their mettle, challenge their beliefs, and reshape the destiny of an endangered species.

Now that you know the argument, take a look to another songs of Ooyukiumi no Kaina Hoshi no Kenjya also called Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage | 大雪海のカイナ ほしのけんじゃ