Title:Princess Nine Kisaragi Joshikou Yakyuubu
Released on year:2002
Released in:Summer
Num Episodes:38
Under the visionary leadership of Keiko Himuro, esteemed Chairman of the revered Kisuragi School, a magnificent plan is set into motion. With an unyielding belief in gender equality and a burning desire to shatter stereotypical norms, Keiko assembles a remarkable all-girl baseball team. At the helm stands the indomitable Ryo Hayakawa, daughter of a legendary pitcher, destined to lead her spirited comrades towards a grand mission – to prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the fairer sex is just as adept on the baseball diamond as their male counterparts. Their illustrious destination: none other than the hallowed grounds of Koshien Stadium, reserved solely for the most elite teams, where true greatness is earned and celebrated.